The Game Isn't Over Yet

Oct 19, 2006 00:48

IC Date: Day 13, Month 8, Turn 2, 7th Pass
Players: Vanya, E'sere
Location: E'sere's Weyr
Synopsis: Vanya delivers E'sere's late birthday presents, and helps him break in his new chess set. It's very likely chess isn't the only game being played and lost that night.

E'sere and Morelenth's Weyr,
Early Evening

This narrow ledge is longer than it is wide, fanning out on either side of the entrance into the weyr. The stone has been deeply scored by the passage of countless dragons over the turns. Its location is optimal; natural outcroppings of the bowl wall keep the wind from raking the ledge's surface and the sun reaches the rock to heat it for most of the day.
Inside, E'sere's weyr is laid out like any other weyr, dragon couch at the fore and rider quarters at the back. However, the decor is not typical bachelor pad: E'sere has instead taken some care in choosing furnishings--a rich dark wood desk and chair, matching padded chairs in a small seating area, and his large bed at the back--and decorations, mainly expensive-looking tapestries hung from the walls.

It's early evening, while most people are either at the Gather or in the living cavern eating dinner. A blue dragon heralds his intention of landing with another visitor for E'sere by a gentle notifying of Morelenth. As the blue lands, Morelenth gives a soft warble to the dragon, or maybe as a greeting for the passenger who alights from the dragon's back with a practiced ease. "I will have Morelenth notify you when I'm ready to be picked up," she tells the rider, and smiles her thanks as he hands down a couple of wrapped packages. One of the guards makes his way to the ledge as the blue departs, looking rather grim and nodding to the parcels. Vanya submits to the customary search, and dutifully opens the packages, letting him inspect the contents. She then takes a moment to re-wrap them, a faint frown on her face when the ribbon doesn't tie quite as nicely as before. And, then she's moving, stopping by Morelenth to offer greetings, and a few moments of fussing over the bronze as she usually does. Afterwards, it's into the weyr itself, smiling at the man and totally ignoring the guards. "Happy belated turnday, E'sere," she says, her eyes sparkling, still wearing the dress she wore to the Gather.

Morelenth may unravel himself long enough to greet Vanya, but that's about all he offers; as she moves past, he nudges at her once with his head, then curls back up, as morose as the rider still sitting on his bed. E'sere, with his book in hand, looks up, absently dog-earing yet another page before he sets it aside to rise. "Vanya," he says, surprised; his brows arch as he steps forward to meet her. "I wasn't expecting you. What--?" He doesn't finish the occasion, only giving her an appraising look for her clothes, then glancing to what she holds with blatant curiousity.

"The first day we met, it was your birthday," Vanya says, totally bypassing the guards in their chairs and handing over the packages. "I didn't have a gift for you, so I went to the gather and found a couple of things I hope you'll enjoy." She refuses to let the presence of those guards dampen her spirits, and gives E'sere a brief kiss on his cheek as she passes the parcels. "I'm making up for it with two presents, late as they are." There's a sparkle in her eyes, as if she's being deliberately cheerful for his sake. "Go on, open them!" she urges. When he does, he'll find a rather nice copy of Poleron's poetry, beautifully calligraphed with illustrations for some of the poems, and a hand-carved, wooden chess set in light and dark wood.

E'sere bites back a grin as he accepts the packages, stepping over to lay them on his table to open. The first is the book of poems, and he breaks into a grin as he sees it. "I've heard of this one before, though I've not read anything by him before. Thank you, Vanya," he tells her as he thumbs through it, then lays it aside to open the second, the chess set. His eyes light up when he sees it, and he's quick to look over it, before glancing to Vanya. "Thank you," he tells her again, leaning forward to press his own kiss to her cheek. "I love it; it's wonderful."

"I wasn't certain if you played, or not," Vanya admits, lifting her cheek for his kiss, "but I thought you might, and if you didn't, I could teach you." She follows him over to the table. "I was quite good, though by no means as good as Master Simbum is. He'd come down when I had to sit night duty, and we'd play. It helped pass the time." She reaches down and picks up one of the pieces, examining it. "I didn't see a game here, so took the chance it might be something you'd like." The black queen is handled almost reverently. "The Gather was crowded, but I did see quite a few weyrfolk wandering around. Poleron came highly recommended by a girl named Miniyal I met there. I've never read his works, but I picked up an older volume and will give him a try. I also found a couple of novels by Sevalia, also at her recommendation. If you're interested, I'll be happy to bring them up for you to read."

"Miniyal?" E'sere quirks a brow at the name, but nods. "She came to see me the other day--business, though, not pleasure. She was looking for a book I'd checked out a while back, and it had been mistakenly marked as returned when I still had it. I'm sure she has very good taste, though--she knows her records." He pauses, toying with another of the chess pieces, nodding absently. "I should like that, if you don't mind. I'm in the market for anything to read now. And yes, I do play, though it's been some time since I have. You do, too?"

Vanya nods, "Indeed, I do," she replies to his question of her playing chess. "It's been almost a turn since my last game, but I think I can remember how." As for the loan of a novel, "And, as soon as I finish the book, I'll bring it up. I read rather quickly, though most of my reading material's been research and medical texts. I don't recommend them, however, unless you need help sleeping. They can be rather dry." She sets the queen down, absently setting the other pieces on the board. "There was a beautiful set carved of onyx and frosted quartz, but someone snagged it just as I found the booth." A shrug. "They were getting ready to dance when I left. I didn't see much reason to stay, and I wanted to get these to you before it got too late for a visit."

"You shouldn't have left on my account," E'sere remarks. "I don't mind the lateness of the hour; it's not as though I have to get up in the morning or anything." He shrugs, still toying with that chess piece, and offers a wry smile. "I've been reading lots of histories lately. Not much drier than that sometimes, I don't think. But... since you're here, would you care to break it in with me?" He gestures to the chess set, grinning.

"I'd love to, E'sere," Vanya replies, continuing to set up the black pieces. "Perhaps one of your guards plays, and that would help pass the time," she suggests, but the expression on her face would seem to indicate she is doubtful. "Uncle taught me in one of his more expansive moments," she explains, setting the final pawn on the board. "There were some wonderful things there, and I'm afraid I spent far too much on herbs and books, but I'd forgotten how crowded a Gather is. I avoided going to those at Fort." Once the board is set up, she pulls a chair up, and sits down opposite of E'sere. "Besides, I'd rather spend my time trying to out-maneuver you. It's a challenge to best you at anything, as I recall." There's a wink of one eye. "You can make it up to me when all this is over. Are the rumors correct? Your counsel has arrived?"

"Master Ysidro, yes," E'sere confirms, nodding once as he sets up his own pieces with a practiced air. He settles into a chair himself, noting, "I'm thankful we can finally get things under way. He's been researching at the Hall for me, and now we've been holed up most mornings discussing things." He pauses, adjusting the pieces briefly before he adds, "I wish I could have gone with you. I've never missed a gather--I enjoy them. Though, I'd have to agree on always spending too much money--though, mine tends to be spent on clothes and furnishings." He wrinkles his nose slightly.

"Well, it would've been wonderful with you there, but there'll be other Gathers," Vanya says pragmatically. "And I'll take horrible advantage of you and make you take me. There were some lovely pieces of furniture there. One was a lovely table of teak wood, and the legs were carved like dragons stretched tall and thin. Everyone was admiring it." She looks at the board for a moment, then takes the two kings, holding one in each hand, then putting her hands behind her back and switching them around a few times. When she brings them out, she smiles. "You choose." As for the counsel. "Good. Maybe he can make heads or tails from all this," she remarks. "It's just still very baffling for me." She pauses a moment. "I'm more than willing to speak regarding the poisoning, and what Aivey told me when I went to see her."

E'sere reaches to tap the back of Vanya's left hand, grinning. "A new table. Hmm. It sounds beautiful. I think my next purchase is going to be some more tapestries, though--I'm tiring of these." An absent gesture to his walls. "If anyone could," he notes of his cousel, "Ysidro could. He's the best. But--" a hesitation "--what did... what did she say? I asked the Weyrwoman if I might speak to her myself, but she passed me off on the Weyrleader, and he--of course--refused me."

Opening her hand to reveal the "white" king, Vanya replies with, "That she acted alone, mostly. I told her what I wanted to know was for personal reasons, and asked her why she poisoned you. She said she thought you were a good man, and got very upset when she heard you hadn't been released," she answers honestly. "I ... we didn't talk long, and I ended up taking a look at a wound on her stomach. It's ... not healed properly, and I wish she'd have come to me. I would have taken care of her. There's probably infection still in there." She smiles, then, albeit sadly. "Your move first."

"She seems very... proud," E'sere notes slowly as he makes that first move, sliding a pawn forward. "Of what she did, considering the way everyone keeps telling me she'll admit things left and right. I don't think she wants me to get any of the credit for it." His smile, too, is wry, sad. "Wouldn't even let you look at it? Hmm. Probably not much point, anyway: I expect they'll stake her out for Thread as soon as they can."

"Oh, yes, she let me look at it, but unless I can convince someone to let her go to the infirmary, there's not much I can do, at this point. I gave her some willow powder to fight the infection, and some numbweed to ease the pain, but --" This seems to bother Vanya quite a bit. And when he mentions staking Aivey out for Thread... "I don't want to think about that," she says with a shudder. "I don't care what she's done, that's punishment goes beyond retribution. It's ... it's inhumane. Exile is bad enough, but to stake someone out for Thread to eat...? No, no, that's just ... just wrong." Her eyes look seriously at E'sere, then glance over to his guards, neither of which are paying the slightest bit of attention. One is literally twiddling his thumbs, and the other looks to be nodding off. "I wish I could convince someone to ... to do away with that practice."

"I... don't like to think about it, either," E'sere admits, glancing downward. "I've seen people scored. Morelenth was scored. I can't imagine what--" He takes a deep breath and moves again, continuing the game. "Exile is... not so bad, perhaps. I believe, from what others have told me, they put criminals on different islands, but there is, still, the Instigator settlement out there somewhere. They might not have the good lives we enjoy, but they /are/ alive." A shrug.

"Yes, and rumor has it ..." Vanya stops, leaning forward to lower her voice. "Rumor has it some of the dragonriders that were exiled came to help at Nabol's fall. At least, what I heard was thirty riders showed up, and weren't from any of the known weyrs. They were using formations no one recognized, as well, and acted like they were surprised to see Br'ce and his people there." She pauses a second. "And they were led by a bluerider." She sits back, again glancing at the guards. "I don't know if it's true or not, but that's what's being said." She watches as E'sere makes his first move, and counters by moving the Bishop's pawn forward two spaces.

E'sere pauses, hand on a chess piece. "L'ret told him," he murmurs in answer as he moves the piece, no strategy clear yet. He's not one to agonize over his moves, at least, studying the board quickly and then moving without delay. "J'lor--that was his name, the bluerider from... Telgar, it was. He was one of their leaders, one of the first captured. I... I wonder how they knew about Nabol, that it needed coverage." Though, he doesn't sound particularly curious; his tone is bland.

"I've no idea," Vanya replies. She doesn't take long over her own moves, taking only a few moments before she makes a decision. And, they're good moves, although the game is in its early stages. "No one's talking about the hows, just the whats, it would seem. However they learned, it was a blessing, though I heard they lost one of their number." She watches E'sere's hand, the one holding the chess piece. "No matter, their help was useful, and probably made the difference between success and failure." She seems relaxed enough. "But that's really old news. Now, everyone's speculating on which queen will rise first. That's all I hear, these days."

E'sere counters Vanya's move with another, his movements almost absent-minded. "A brown, wasn't it? L'ret likes to talk a lot," E'sere explains himself. "As for... that, well. I've my own theories to it, but." A shrug. "I feel guilty," he changes the subject, "for keeping you from the gather to entertain me."

Studying the board for about a half-minute, Vanya takes her Bishop and moves diagonally to take one of E'sere's knights, a rather bland expression on her face as she looks up at him. "Oh, I don't mind being here instead of lost in that crowd," she says laconically. "I saw what I wanted to, purchased a few things, and since I'm not big on dancing, there really wasn't much reason for me to stay. I'll probably go back the last day, since I'm sure the vendors will be in a mood to haggle, but ..." She shrugs. "I got to show off my dress, and that will keep Rappa from fussing at me. I'm content, E'sere." There's a pause. "Besides, I have a chance to best you at chess. There aren't that many things I'm good enough at, so it's all good."

"Do you?" E'sere queries of her chances as he moves to take one of her own knights in revenge. The piece is meticulously set aside as he studies the board in earnest now. "I suppose there's not much reason to stay, then, though I've always been one to linger even if I've better things to do with my time. Ah, well. One of my vices, I suppose, but there are worse ones I could suffer from. You said you met Miniyal there? Ganathon came to see me earlier. I suppose he just dropped by on his way to meet with her," he notes in a nonchalant voice.

"I believe she mentioned she was meeting him for dinner," Vanya replies, wincing a little at the loss of her knight. "I can see I'm going to have to keep an eye on you," she remarks, carefully retreating a little, making certain she leaves herself covered. "She seemed a rather strange girl, but likeable enough. Very well-spoken and knowledgeable about books. I think she must have a room somewhere near my own. I see her in the hallway sometimes when I'm heading off work. She mentioned she works down in the record room, and told me there are books of thie Poleron's poetry there for borrowing. Apparently, he's one of her father's favorite poets."

E'sere nods absently, advancing another piece in the meantime. "She and Ganathon are... very close," he remarks delicately. "I imagine it was his room you saw her near." Pause. He eyes the board again appraisingly, then cuts his eyes upward. "She and her father both work in records--they're very good at what they do," he notes blandly.

Vanya meets E'sere's gaze, an eyebrow lifting, but nothing said. "Indeed, the records room is very neatly arranged. I've been down there a couple of times, and it was easy to find what I was looking for. They could use someone to set up that system at Healer Hall, I tell you." A pause while she lets her eyes move over the board before she brings to bear the black queen, taking another of E'sere's pieces. "You sounded slightly surprised when you said Ganathon came to visit you earlier. Did you not expect him to?"

E'sere holds his own easily against Vanya's onslaught, making his own counterstrikes to take another piece from her. He's obviously had quite a bit of practice, and the strategy of the game comes easily to him. "I... I don't know what I expected. I certainly didn't expect him tonight. We... We aren't close any more."

"Perhaps he's trying to rectify that?" Vanya suggests, carefully watching E'sere's moves now, taking a little more time with her own counters. Another pawn is sacrificed to her queen, and it's clear she's at least comptent at the game and its strategies. "At a time like this, you will find who your friends are, and those who were friends because of your position or perceived power. It's possible Ganathon's visit was simply to see how things stand between you now. Perhaps even to lend his support," she ventures, making a quick assessment of the pieces they've both lost. "That was a tricky move, E'sere. Dangerous, because it puts your castle in jeopardy, but ... I'm not getting sucked into the trap," she warns with a smirk, not unlike some of his own.

"He's not," E'sere answers shortly, bringing his queen into action to claim a rook. "He set all this in motion. I shouldn't be surprised to find out at trial that he was the one who first whispered my name into J'cor's and Roa's ears, that I might have something to do with all that's happened."

Vanya's brow creases at that. "No, I don't think so," she says, remembering a rather volatile conversation she had with Aida. "I believe it was someone else, but I can't be certain, so I'd rather not say." And she looks over at the guards, who still seem to be paying little attention to them. "Mind you, I could be wrong, so I'll not speculate." She presses her lips together, apparently thinking about this. "If I find out anything solid, I'll be sure and let your counselor know, since he can decide whether or not it's worth anything." Vanya counters with a move with her remaining knight. "Check," she says, placing the knight in position. It's not a victory yet, but she's definitely holding her own.

The game is taking a backseat to E'sere's thoughts now; automatically, he moves to save his king, lips pursing as he contemplates the board a moment. "Ysidro has taken up quarters in one of the private rooms; you can probably find him easily enough. I'm sure he'd like to know anything you come across."

Vanya nods to that, and concentrates for a few minutes, running over various strategies available to E'sere, and thus planning counter-moves. "I'll be certain to do that. No one's approached me regarding the poisoning, or what Aivey told me when I visited her. I doubt they will, actually. After all, I'm involved with you, and I'm sure they think I'll lie or something." There's a snort from her, and her tone is sarcastic. "Anyway, I'll look him up, and tell him what I know. It certainly can't hurt, since I don't know anything much, save you were poisoned, and Aivey claims she was behind it. Otherwise, I'm ... clearly in the dark."

"What Aivey told you," E'sere notes as he moves again, his queen rounding the board to take another piece, "should be very interesting to him. I have to say, she... I'm intrigued myself. I don't understand what gripes she has against the Weyr, other people--myself, especially."

"She didn't really say, but, then, I didn't ask her about it. As willing as she is to answer questions, I'd be surprised if she wouldn't answer Ysidro's questions, were he to speak with her. They might not allow you to talk to her, but they cannot deny him access to her." Vanya seems fairly certain of this. "I'm not well-versed in the law, but I have observed a few cases which involved the Healer Hall. He has the right to interview all material witnesses, and if Aivey isn't a material witness, I don't know who is." She watches the board now, her eyes narrowed at this last move. "Hm..." she muses, then carefully maneuvers her last Bishop into a good position to threaten his queen.

The thing about being in threatening position is that it opens one to the threat as well. E'sere is waiting, and when she moves her bishop, he counters by taking it with the queen its target. More attention is paid now, and it improves his playing as well, the man studying and caluclating several moves in advance. "I'm sure Ysidro will speak to her when he's an opportunity. Right now, we've been going over my testimony, and Morelenth's, mostly; I should look to sic him on someone else now." He offers a half-smile.

Vanya's frown deepens. "You are a very smart man," she remarks. "And entirely too tricky for my good." Her chin now rests on her hand as she studies the board from several angles. "I've been thinking about that," she says in regards to Morelenth. "This may sound stupid, but how can anyone know what is said by the dragons? If the only people they speak to is their riders, how can anyone be certain the rider is telling exactly what any other dragon says? I'm sure there's a way, but it just sounds rather ... iffy to me. Dragons may not lie, but people do."

"That," notes E'sere with a smile, "is the question, isn't it." He moves again, in earnest, to claim a remaining pawn, his queen gradually clearing the spaces most threatening to his king. "I've played a lot, though I'm rusty," he explains. "A lot of my family members play--my uncle and cousins, a few of my friends when I was younger."

"And it's a good question," Vanya comments, now faced with defending, rather than advancing. She's skilled enough to protect her king, and not get trapped in a corner, but it's a struggle to match wits with him. "Rusty or not, those are some excellent moves, E'sere. I'm going to have to watch myself, I see." She ponders her next move, a finger tapping her lips, slowly. Finally, she makes a bold move, sacrificing another of her pieces, to put herself into a good position. "And, check again, though I've no doubt you'll figure out a way to weasel out of it." There's a teasing quality to her tone. "But, be warned, I'm not always so easily out-maneuvered. The game isn't over yet."

E'sere inserts another piece between his king and her attacking piece, forestalling that check. "Do you think I'm good at weaseling?" he asks.

Vanya is quiet a moment, her eyes drifting up from the board. "I don't know," she replies honestly. "Perhaps less weaseling out of a thing as being observant, or taking advantage of situations as the opportunity presents itself. Not necessarily a bad thing, that, especially if it will do the most good for the most people." She looks back down at the board, carefully considering her options. "Nice move, by the way. You're going to work for this victory, though. I'm not going down without a fight." A pause. A glance up at him. "Nor should you."

"Check," murmurs E'sere as he moves again, positioning his remaining knight. "So you think I'm opportunistic now?" Far too serious questions, perhaps, but he seems very interested in the answers.

"I think all of us are opportunistic sometimes," Vanya replies. "Each of us has the potential to use situations to our advantage, which, as I said, isn't necessarily a bad thing. Intent is what makes it bad or good. The purpose behind the action taken." She looks at the board now, her bottom lip held between her teeth as she concentrates. "For instance, an opportunity presents itself to speak out for something. If the person speaks out because it's the truth, or because it will spare someone pain, then being opportunistic is a good thing. If they speak out solely because it will make them look good, draw attention to themselves, well, maybe not so good." She shrugs. "I think that you're observant, and saw an opportunity to do something good for the weyr, E'sere. If I thought anything else, I wouldn't be sitting here with you." Her queen is moved one space over, to protect her king.

E'sere nods absently, sliding a rook over to threaten her king again, closing a net around him closely. "I see," he offers simply, nothing more.

Vanya takes a deep breath, knowing now she stands a good chance of losing the game. "You need to take advantage of whatever presents itself, E'sere. Especially now. You're the best hope this weyr has, and you have to beat this for the betterment of everyone here." She speaks softly now, voice barely above a whisper. "You have to tread carefully, because the people here want to punish someone, and they've settled on you for whatever reason. Don't fall into their trap, please." And she gathers her forces for one last ditch effort to protect her king, sacrificing her last pawn to his onslaught.

"Check," E'sere repeats again as he moves again, steadily. For her words, he glances up, frowning slightly, and finally nodding once, accepting.

There's only one move left to Vanya, and that is to try and take his queen with her own. It's a last ditch effort, and leaves her at a serious disadvantage. There's a slim chance of success, but it's doubtful. Vanya takes a deep breath, and makes her move, as she said, not going down without a fight. It may be futile, at this point, but it's a bold move. Reckless. "Sometimes the bold moves pay off," she says, still soft. "And, I'm out of check. This time."

E'sere's queen is taken, yes, but he's other pieces, and he brings that night of earlier back into play, positioning it again to check her. "You can't keep holding me off forever," he notes, quirking a half-smile.

Vanya looks up at E'sere, and there's an answering smile on her lips as she castles. "And since when have I ever tried to hold you off, bronzerider?" she asks, a glint of mischief in her eyes. "Holding you off is the very /last/ thing I want." And she laughs softly, knowing the end is in view.

E'sere's smile broadens. "Checkmate," he calls as he reaches over with his knight to topple her king. Then, smirking, he murmurs, "You /did/ try. And admirably. But in the end...." He picks up the fallen king, twirls in idly in a smug gesture as he closes his hand around it.

"And I'll keep trying," Vanya warns, chuckling softly. "I concede this game to you, but there will come a day when I'll surprise you, E'sere. I'm not a quitter, even when I'm down." She smiles at him, holding out her hand, the guards forgotten. "Well played, sir. I demand a rematch someday."

"Someday," agrees E'sere, nodding, extending his own hand to her across the board. "Soon, but not tonight. You've worn me out now, keeping up."

"Then you should get some sleep, E'sere," Vanya says, letting her hand remain in his for a few moments before one of the guards seems to stir and clear his throat. "I'll come back soon, I promise." And there is promise in her expression as she retracts her hand from his. "If you'll have Morelenth call for a ride, I'll leave you to your rest." She takes a breath, smiling again. "Will you walk me out?"

Morelenth, long curled up on his couch by himself, whuffs once as E'sere looks to him, voiced agreement for Vanya's benefit as E'sere rises. "Of course," the rider tells her, moving to lead the way. "And I'll be waiting, next time." As though he had any choice.

Vanya rises from the chair, smoothing down her dress as she starts that long walk to the ledge where she will have to bid E'sere and Morelenth good night. A pause at the bronze, and a gentle stroke of his jaw and nose, and softly murmured words of affection and encouragement. Then it's out to the ledge, to turn to E'sere and lift a hand to his cheek, guards notwithstanding. "I won't give up without a fight," she warns again. "And, I'll speak with your Ysidro as soon as I can arrange it." Her hand drops to his, gives it a squeeze. "Enjoy the poetry, and don't lose hope. Morelenth needs you to be strong, and ... so do I." And then there's the sound of wingbeats in the night. Vanya gives his hand one last squeeze, and then moves to the side so the blue can land. As she climbs onto the neckridge and straps herself in securely, her eyes never leave him. "Good night, E'sere. Sleep well."

"Good night," E'sere murmurs in return, remaining alone on the ledge until she leaves. Then, he retreats inside once more.

vanya, games, rp, chess, e'sere

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