I Wouldn't Recommend a History

Oct 17, 2006 23:41

IC Date: Day 13, Month 8, Turn 2, 7th Pass
Players: Miniyal, Vanya, Bothal (NPC), Aida, Roa
Location: High Reaches Hold Gather
Synopsis: Vanya ventures out to the gather to find a friend something to occupy his free time with, and runs into Miniyal and Bothal. Miniyal gives advice on poets, books and Bothal's tendency to indulge in too much wine. (Roa and Aida are present, but there is no interaction between them and the others.)

Gather Grounds at High Reaches Hold,
Afternoon of the First Day

Rising up a short distance away is High Reaches Hold. Pennants fly from the walls indicating a gather, as if all the stalls and shouts and smells from the field outside the courtyard were not a dead giveaway. Hold guards patrol at regular intervals through the gather, but seem to be paying little attention to their duties. Especially when a pretty girl comes by.
The stalls are arranged in neat rows in a ten by ten square. There is plenty of space between them for people to walk even with all the crowding as holders, crafters, and riders come to spend hard won marks on items from around Pern. To the north of the stalls is the area cleared aside for dancing, a platform at the far end inhabited by harpers at all hours of the day and night. The music is standard fare, from slow to fast and everywhere in between. When people seem to be slowing down they switch to more performance oriented music.
Around the stalls are a ring of tables and around the dance 'floor' another such ring. In the evening some people, not afraid to be outside, will sleep on or under these, rousted in the morning by grumpy and tired guards. South of all of this is the race track with the beast pens to the east of that. It's a clear summer day and the sky above is a canvas of pristine blue brushed with wisps of white. It's not quite hot but the sun is bright enough to give that illusion.

The summer weather has brought out all sorts of people. Crafters and holders and riders mill about in finery and not. Children run around with and without supervision, getting into things regardless. They are a noisy lot. Laughing and screaming and enjoying themselves as they watch dancing and racing and the general goings on of each other.

The afternoon of the first day of the gather finds a large group of people doing, well, gather things. Lots of noise and people. As it is the first day there are more people around the stalls than anywhere else. Shopping for things, bargaining for things, looking at things. Somewhere amidst this crowd are a couple of people from the weyr. Miniyal and one of the other records workers, Bothal, are shopping. Or he is and she is along.
"Thal? I don't have all day you know. I'm supposed to meet him before too much longer." Sighing she pushes hair off her face and then glances at her hand which earns her a smirk from Bothal. "The ring's still there, Yal. It's not like it's going anywhere. And stop it. Or that journeywoman will think I gave it to you and I'll never get her." A heavy sigh and Miniyal kicks Bothal in the shin. "This is why I am glad I am truly an only child. You so owe me for this."

Vanya has never been to a Gather alone, but today is the exception. Everyone she knows from the weyr will be there later, but she has duty late that night, so can't stay as long as the others. The rider who gives her a ride on his blue is nice enough to let her know if she finishes seeing things by evening, he'll come back to give her a ride home. And, so she browses the booths, pausing to admire the goods for sale, but purchasing only a few small things. There is something in particular she's looking for, and she spots it at a booth selling odds and ends. Sadly, as she's making her way to that booth, a couple of pre-teens come flying at her from the side, bumping her and knocking her into two other people. "Oh! I'm /so/ sorry," she apologizes. "Please excuse me. I didn't mean to knock into you."

It's a gather and people are often bumped into so it's not surprising it happens again. One becomes accustomed to it. The only sign she truly notices is Miniyal's hand tightens around the strings of the little velvet purse she carries around her wrist. "It's fine," she says automatically. Bothal stops as well, his hand settling on Miniyal's elbow to steady her, although she seems in no need of steadying. "No problem at all, little woman," he says with a charming grin. "Bump into me anytime."
"Thal!" Min says with a shake of her head. "I thought you were after that herder journeywoman. I am not helping you bed everyone here. One I said. I have to meet Gans for dinner, remember?"

Vanya's cheeks color at the man's comment, and she turns her head away until she's composed herself a little. "That's very flattering, but you'll have better luck with the Journeyman Herder," she says, giving him a smile. Then she looks at Miniyal, head tilting to the said. "I've seen you before," the healer muses, brow knitting in concentration for a moment. "Ah, yes, I've seen you at the weyr, in the private residences area. Early mornings mostly. You're usually heading out as I'm heading in from the Infirmary." The obligatory smile is offered. "I'm Journeyman Healer Vanya," she says by way of introduction.

Bothal laughs and shakes his head, keeping his hand on Min's elbow. "Nonsense, I wanted you I'd have you," he says with a broad wink. Still, his neck cranes around to find the woman he's been dragging his friend along to find. "Oh," Miniyal says with a faint nod. "Right. Miniyal. I work in records. Small gather. I keep running into people I know from back home. Nice to meet you." Because that is what one says, but it doesn't sound as if it is nice at all. Because Min doesn't /like/ meeting people.

"Records," Vanya repeats. "Well met, Miniyal. Is it you I have to thank for the impeccable order the records room is kept in? If so, you've no idea how nice it is to find things exactly where they should be. They could use someone like you at Healer Hall," she offers with a smile. But, Bothal's remark gets a raised eyebrow. "I wouldn't say such a thing in the hearing of the lady who holds your interest, sir. It might make her three times as difficult to ... have. Confidence is all well and good, but unless it's in moderation, it's mostly talk." There's a wee bit of a smirk on her lips.

"Bothal always talks like that. It's all part of his charm," Miniyal answers as she takes her arm back from him and drops her hands in front of her to play with her ring. "And he always gets the one he wants. It's what he does." Shaking her head she casts a fond look at the man. "Well, and he's good enough in records." Speaking of which she looks back at Vanya. "The system is not mine. It was put in place by Lexine. I merely made it more efficient. That it continues to run efficiently is the work of Navan, the head of records."

"I see," Vanya says, nodding. "Well, it's a very good system, and things are easy to find. My compliments to the entire records room team, then, for a job well done." She can't help but notice that the girl keeps playing with a ring, and comments, "A very nice ring, and looks good on your hand. I can't wear rings in my line of work. They can get in the way." She gives Bothal another glance, the smirk still there at Miniyal's comments. "I wish you continued luck, sir. Unfortunately, I'm in search of a gift for a friend. I thought, perhaps, a book, but I'm not certain. He has the time now to read, but I've no idea what he prefers." She seems to be musing aloud, not really asking for advice. "Or, maybe a chess set. Do you know which vender might be selling those? The bookseller, I see...." She shrugs slightly, a little lost in the crowd.

"Ahh. Well, I wouldn't recommend a history," Miniyal remarks cryptically before glancing down at her hand. She does not blush at the mention of the ring, but her hand falls away from toying with it. "Thank you. It's new," she mumbles. "I mean, I don't wear jewelry. I never have. But it's new. Umm. It was my birthday yesterday. A gift. From a friend." Said in a mumbly, halting way, yes. And bringing on a laugh from Bothal who nudges Niya with his elbow. "From a friend? Iya? You live with him. He's given you jewelry. He's not a friend." A glare and Miniyal kicks at Bothal's shin again. "Thal? I am /so/ going to ruin everything you do for a month. /Shut/. /Up./"

But Vanya merely smiles. "Well, it's very pretty, and happy belated birthday," she says pleasantly. "Jewelry is a nice present to receive, so I hear. What little I own came from my brother, who seems to be on a campaign to improve my fashion sense. I keep telling him I prefer simple clothes, but ..." She shrugs. "He's a Weaver, and determined." She glances to Bothal, and chuckles. "Come to the Infirmary. I have something for bruised shins." But she turns back to Miniyal. "You sound as if you know who I'm talking about," she says slowly. "No histories, then? Any suggestions?"

Head tipping to one side, Miniyal shrugs, such an easy gesture for her. It's 'her's'. "Well, it's not as if everyone doesn't know you're friends with E'sere who has more than enough time on his hands these days. I merely know he said the other day he was tired of histories. Poetry is always a good idea. You might find Poleron. Or perhaps Friada. Friada is one of my favorites although he tends towards the ridiculous. Poleron is my father's favorite." Shaking her head she looks at Bothal and grins at him. "Thal's not allowed in the infirmary after last time." The man just grins, charming, and keeps an eye out on his herder journeywoman who is looking at a weaver stall. "You might consider philosophy. It is a subject men seem to enjoy. Those with brains." A look is cast to Bothal who shrugs it off with a grin. "I think about plenty. Gimme a mark, Iya."

Vanya's cheeks turn a little pinkish. "Well, yes, I suppose they do," she remarks about everyone knowing she's friends with E'sere. "Poetry. I've never read much poetry, so I'll accept your recommendation. Too busy studying, or researching to enjoy it, I think. Philosophy ... well, that's beyond me, but E'ere might enjoy it, true. Thank you." She nods to both and looks as if she's about to move away, but hesitates. "One thing before I try my luck at the booksellers," the healer says, head cocked to the side. "Why's he allowed in the Infirmary? What did he do ... last time?"

With a quiet grumble, Miniyal reaches into her purse and pulls out a mark. Eyeing Bothal she shakes her head. "Interest, Thal. Usual terms." With a laugh, he takes the mark and kisses Min's cheek, whistling as he walks off to the weaver stall where his prey is still admiring the finery. Closing her bag, Min rolls her eyes. "Usual terms," she yells after him before looking to Vanya and shrugging. "Something about equipment being used improperly with an aide on duty. Not real sure. I'd rather really not know. I just know he was told unless he was bleeding from a stump where a limb used to be he was not allowed back. Thal's like that."

"Ah, I see," Vanya replies, her cheeks still a little pinkish. "Well, yes, that would certainly be a good reason," she adds, a bit of a chuckle as she looks after the departing Bothal. She can also likely figure out who the "indiscretion" was with, but doesn't remark upon it. "Usual terms?" she ventures. "Let me guess, an arm and a leg? -- or will you settle for a papercut or two?" It's meant to be a joke, but may fall flat. Vanya's not got the greatest sense of humor on the planet. "He seems fairly nice, but a little too confident for the girl's good, I'd bet."

Watching Bothal, shaking her head, Miniyal laughs briefly. "No, three percent unless he pays on time," she answers with a shrug. "I tend to collect marks and he tends to spend them so we deal. Besides, he's like a brother. One I want to throttle." Glancing at Vanya she shrugs. "He's Thal. Known him for a long time is all. Navan adores him and such so I deal with his sorry butt." Fondly said as she watches Bothal make his move on the girl at the weaver stall. "Can't hold his wine though. Thal. Sick of holding his head when he pukes. Hope the herder girl doesn't mind." A glance upwards at the sky, gauging the time.

"I've learned the hard way to avoid hard alcohol," Vanya admits. "Wine's not so bad, but ..." She shakes her head. "No more excessive drinking for me. Going to work the next morning is just too ... painful." Her expression is very rueful. "Three-percent sounds fair enough, especially considering he's a friend." Her lips quirk upwards. "Would you care to peruse the booksellers with me? I admit my taste runs to herbals and the like, since it's one of my specialties. I'm liable to forget about buying E'sere a book, and spend what few marks I have on some long-forgotten work on how to harvest herbs with your eyes closed or something." It's a loose kind of invitation, perhaps meant to offer Miniyal an alternative to wandering the gather alone. "What were the names of those poets you mentioned, again? I admit I've never heard of them, let alone read them."

Another look at the sky and Miniyal shrugs her shoulders. "I suppose I've time enough. Thal was kind enough to let me tag along I suppose while Gans was busy." Another brush of hair behind her ears and she looks around, finding the bookseller. "Maybe there will be something I haven't seen. I don't really buy them. If I see something I want I just arrange for records to get it in." Why spend her own marks after all? "Poleron. And Friada. Poleron is older by an Interval. Friada, as I said, has his problems. But can be enjoyable and tends to be less serious. Navan adores poetry and I guess growing up hearing it has forced me to like it as well."

"Rather like having a healer for a father, like I did," Vanya agrees. "I think parents are a big influence on a child's life, for good or bad reasons. I was lucky. Father enjoyed teaching me how to make herbal concoctions and teas. I acquired a taste for tea when I was young, and never lost it." She begins to move toward the booth selling volumes of various sizes and topics, looking over the selection when they arrive. "Poleron. Friada. You say Friada is less serious than Poleron? In what manner? Are his works humorous, or concerning more frivolous topics? I enjoy humor myself, though I've been told I have no sense of humor at times."

Miniyal wrinkles her nose at something and nods to the man selling the books. The subject of parents is not carried on, At least not on her end. If the other woman wishes to continue it she'll be doing it alone. "His style is less serious. He worries less about the formation of his works. Poleron is more humorous I think when you look beyond what is simply said. He was better. But Friada is more. . .accessible to more people. He's more widely known. His works are easier to find outside of a collection I think."

"I see," Vanya answers, nodding. "Well, depending upon the price, I think I'll see if I can find one of each, for him." A moment. "Or, perhaps a book and a small chess set. I'd imagine he plays, but I didn't see a set in his weyr. Hopefully, one of his guards plays. It's a better way of passing an evening than silence. The two times I've visited E'sere, the guards were rather ... taciturn." She shrugs. "Well, I guess that's for the best." She doesn't elaborate on that thought, and the discussion of parents is dropped, as well. By this point, they've arrived at the booth, and Vanya begins looking through the various books. It's a rather wide variety, ranging from serious texts to collections of ribald stories. "Oh, Faranth -- he's got some of those horrid romance stories. One of the girls back at Healer Hall used to read them aloud at night. They were ... oh, some of them were pure drivel."

"Chess is a decent way to pass the evening," Miniyal says so casually. Although she has to duck her head a moment and one hand absently traces around her ring. "Or morning I suppose. But, yes. Anyway." Shaking her head she looks over the books, head tipped to the side as she keeps one hand on her purse. "Oh, those are quite interesting from a historical perspective," she remarks in regards to the romance tales. For instance, those written by Sevalia? If you know anything at all about her you can place key historical figures in each story she writes and determine whom she was fond of and whom she was trying to bring down. The newer stuff is rather dull, I admit, but I anticipate within the next dozen turns or so we'll be seeing that change. People will start writing about the Instigators in them. And the other things that have been happening. Tragedy about Nabol." Shaking her head she glances more at the books and then reaches for one. Perhaps it's the ink stained fingers, but the man at the booth makes no move to stop her from handling his wares as she studies a slim, gold covered book.

"I never read them, just listened to Delia," Vanya admits. "But, now that you mention it, I do recall thinking there was a ring of truth to some of the passages. Like something about the characters reminded me of things I'd read in History class. Perhaps I should explore the possibility of reading a few of this Sevalia's works." She, too, is looking over the books, selecting one from a stack that is obviously old and not in very good condition, the subject herbs, of course. "How much is this?" she inquires of the proprietor, and when informed of a very reasonable price, she nods, obviously meaning to purchase it. "Have you found either of the poets you mentioned, Miniyal?"

"Huh?" Miniyal asks, clearly having been distracted by the book she holds in her hands. "What? No. Sorry. What? Oh." Shaking her head she pushes loose hair from her eyes and then glances over at the healer. "Sorry, I wasn't looking. Excuse me? She's looking for Poleron or Friada. Unless you have something that's original and then I want it. And, this one?" She holds up the book she's got in her hands. "I want this. Can you hold it for me? I'll pay full price and give you a third now. But I did not bring all my marks with me." The man looks at the book, grinning. "Third now? Suppose that's doable, miss. So long as I see your marks." Miniyal clutches the book tighter and smiles, eyes bright. "Thank you, yes."

"My mistake, Miniyal," Vanya says, obviously not upset that the other girl wasn't looking for her requests. "If you spot anything of theirs, just let me know," she says, then turns to another stack of books, these obviously not of great quality, either. The titles seem interesting though, and she browses. "I think I found one," she remarks, pulling out an older volume, well read from its appearance. The binding is stained, and the pages are uneven, as if it once fell apart and was hastily put back together. "Yes, this is Poleron, but not in very good condition. I hate to give it as a gift, but perhaps it will be entertaining for me to read when I'm not doing research." The booth owner is once more consulted for price, and mentions a newer copy of the same book, which Vanya seems pleased with. "Thank you for the suggestions, Miniyal. Are there copies of their other works available at the weyr for loan, by chance?"

It is late in the afternoon on the first day of the gather and a few of the stalls are starting to wind down their business day so they too might engage in the dancing and drinking that is picking up speed in the square where the harpers are playing. Children run about seeking their parents as it hints at night time although the sky is still bright enough with the summer in high altitude.
Standing near a stall selling books is Miniyal who occasionally glances towards a man from records wooing a journeyman herder. With her is Vanya who is looking over the books as well, not watching anyone. "Oh, of course. Poleron for sure. He's Navan's favorite. There's some Friada as well surely. No collection is complete without them." She still holds the book that drew her attention in her hands. Even as she fumbles in her little velvet purse for the marks she promised as a down payment if the book is held for her until tomorrow. "Someone else might pick it up. If I can't make it. I have to work at the weyr. But I can leave his name with you as well."

Vanya seems utterly pleased with her finds, tucking them under her arm as she counts out the appropriate payment. "Well, that put a dent in the purse," she comments wryly. "I'll have to haggle with the herbalist if I'm to get what I'm looking for. I need to make more lotions and liniments soon. My supply is running low, and since they're for personal use, I don't want to use weyr supplies," she explains, opening one of the books she purchased, scanning the table of contents. "Oh, good. They have a recipe in here for a tea I've been looking for." The comment is make mostly to herself, and she smiles widely, continuing to look through other selections.

From along the path that would lead to the drop off point for dragons come a pair of young women, all done up in gather finery. The newest Reachian weyrwoman is trying her best to look cheery in the face of the crowds and smells and people and, well, everything. To that end, she keeps a careful pace with her companion, occasionally turning to make some comment on this or that. Once, she rolls her eyes. A number people glance over at their arrival because, well, it's a weyrwoman and the Headmaster's assistant. Or perhaps they only peek because rumors travel so quickly and a good majority of the gather's crowd is from the Weyr.

With his journeyman herder, Bothal flashes a charming smile causing the girl to laugh. She tosses her hair and lays a hand on his arm as he hands over his mark and gets some change before taking a scarf. This scarf is wrapped around the girl's neck and the two laugh before Bothal leans in to steal a kiss from the blushing girl. Miniyal observes this and snorts. "Oh, yea. She'll be holding his head later," she remarks with a shake of her head before she reluctantly hands the book back and the begins to count out several marks. Before she hands them over she looks the man in the eyes. "If it's not here tomorrow? You'll regret it and won't be back here for some time." The man blinks at the words and takes another look at Min, but then dismisses her again. Even as she stares at him until he looks away. "Mark my words," she says softly before smiling ever so briefly. Then her head drops and she twists her ring about her finger. "The former weyrleader of the weyr might be by to pick it up instead of me. G'thon. He does? You wrap it before you give it to him, understand?" Instructions given she waits for a nod before dismissing the man.

Hands folded together behind her back as she meanders along, Aida's lips are curved in a polite smile for all that her eyes are sparkling with good humor. There's a nod here or there for someone who happens to look in the direction of herself and her companion, but for the most part the bulk of her attention stays upon Roa. Whose wouldn't? "...an eye out for anything that a girl of ten turns might be interested in? Clothes, toys. It does not count as shopping for clothes when it's for a little girl, does it?"

"I expect so long as marks are exchanged for items, it counts as shopping. However, I don't think it counts as shopping that certain weyrwomen would approve of," and the way the smirk appears on Roa's lips suggests she is not speaking of herself, "which is good enough for me." Her gaze travels to the booths and begins moving over what pieces of them she can see amid the bustle of people. "Shells, I know nothing about children. What do they like at that age?"

There is laughter for Roa's words, polite smile curving up further into impishness. Aida follows the smaller woman's gaze, then shifts her trajectory from an aimless wander to head more directly towards the stalls. Still, she doesn't stray more than a few paces away from the weyrwoman. "She is of an age where she appreciates most anything pretty or fanciful," she explains lightly, tone conversational. "Now that I think about it, I expect she's all but left *most* toys behind, at least so far as she'll admit. Puzzles -- I may see if I can find an instrument of some sort for her here, really. Mostly, anything pretty or bright or that she could call entirely hers. She's started helping out a considerable amount, I'm sure, and so she's not quite child any longer."

Vanya only casually listens to the exchange between Miniyal and the bookseller, and only looks over when she hears the name "G'thon." She says nothing, however, and merely holds on to her purchases. "Well, at least part of my mission's accomplished. I do appreciate your company, Miniyal." She glances in the same direction as the other girl, noting Bothal's progress with the journeyman herder. "Most likely, but there're cures for hangovers, so all he need do is send someone to the Infirmary. They'll fix him up right as new." She glances around the crowd, perhaps mentally preparing herself for the ordeal of finding a reasonably priced chess set. "Thank you again for the suggestions, but I now need to locate a booth selling games. Unless you want to accompany me, I will leave you here. You /are/ welcome to walk about with me, if you wish. I've not been to too many Gathers."

Roa grins at the last. "Certainly she isn't. She's got an entire decade behind her. All right...pretty, fanciful, and wholly her own. I think one of these stalls could manage that." Add so she is moving a bit closer towards the stretch of them, attention shifting behind her several times to make sure Aida hasn't gotten lost or wandered off or some such. "Jewelry, maybe?"

"Yes, which does him no good when he's puking all over her shoes," Miniyal remarks with a smirk. Shaking her head she eyes the bookseller a short while longer. As if silently imposing the importance of her words upon him. Sorta creepy really. At least he seems to think so as he hurries towards the back of his stall for a bit. Shaking her head, she glances at Vanya. "I was just here because Thal needed my help with his conquest. I should begin to make my way back to where I am meeting Gans. Perhaps I'll see you later at the dancing, but I had best start back since I will certainly become lost. I'm horribly at figuring out where I am." She smiles, briefly, "It was nice to meet you, Vanya. I hope the poems work."

Aida keeps pace with Roa easily, displaying that her skill with moving amongst this sort of crowd is not yet rusty. The way she carries herself helps, her movements all confidence and holding an unspoken expectance that people will get out of her way. A look, a smile, a dip of her head. No faces she really recognizes, but they're acknowledged all the same. "Jewelry would be good," she agrees easily. "So long as it's small enough. I've sent her a necklace, but while it was pretty, it wasn't much of one. I've also been considering a little box that locks, if one could be found."

"And nice to have met you, as well, Miniyal," Vanya replies with a smile. "I'm afraid I can't help you there," she adds, meaning location. "A very nice blue rider gave me a lift here, and told me he'd be back around sunset. I have no clue how far we are from the weyr, or how to get back. I'm rather hopeless with directions, too." She gives Miniyal a wave as she turns away, obviously in search of a games booth. "Please give my best to Ganathon. I met him briefly in the hall one day. A very nice gentleman," she remarks, nodding. "Take care, and enjoy your afternoon." And then she's making her way out into the crowd, quickly disappearing amongst the people.

(For the rest of the Gather scene, please check other logs.)

gift, vanya, aida, gather, miniyal, roa, rp, books

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