
Oct 09, 2006 09:55

IC Date: Day 18, Month 7, Turn 2, 7th Pass
Players: Vanya
Location: Mountain Waterfall, Mountain Cave
Synopsis: Everyone needs time and distance from their troubles. And then the storm breaks... (Another stream of conciousness piece; seem to be doing a lot of these lately.)

Mountain Waterfall

A half-day's brisk-paced hike from the Weyr, this clearing may just be worth the time it takes to get there. Against the backdrop of the purple-grey mountains, this glade nestles a deep plunge pool churned by a waterfall plunging from a river high above. The river is clear and cold; it winds on through the wide meadow and into the woods, flowing swiftly down the mountainside. The plunge pool is deep enough for a dragon to swim in, though the thunder of the falls is loud and keeps the water forever chilly. Partway up the cliff face is situated a small outcropping of rock. The aesthetically minded may simply admire the little jut while the braver may use it as a diving launch. A dark overhang behind the waterfall suggests an alcove or opening, the presence of which is better known by common visitors.
The heat of summer has brought the little glen to vibrant life, emerald grass spattered with flowers of various colors and shapes. Small flitting insects zip to and fro, their buzzing noises drowned out by the roar of the rushing falls. Rain splatters on the surface of the green-blue lake, causing an ever-changing pattern of plips, plops and ripples. It bends and jostles the brightly colored flowers and sends the insects into hiding or zipping about in manic patterns.

"There is something to be said for getting away from the source of a which brings clearer thought, even solutions to what troubles a person. If nothing else, it can give someone enough distance from their dilemma to allow an objective viewpoint to emerge."

Master Simbum's words echoed in Vanya's thoughts as the runner picked his way up the long trail to the waterfall. A lot of the Master Mindhealer's lectures came back to her as she rode, just breathing and thinking. As someone suggested -- she couldn't remember who, now -- borrowing a runnerbeast from the weyr stable wasn't difficult, and the stableboy was even kind enough to give her an older beast, one not prone to nervousness with inexperienced riders. A gentle beast who was more interested in plodding along than racing. Vanya could manage him easily enough, and she was in no hurry.

There was, after all, little reason to rush. She was fairly certain things would happen fast enough at High Reaches, especially with everyone determined to punish those they believed guilty for crimes committed against the weyr. She was probably the only one who believed E'sere wasn't guilty. Thought they had the wrong man. Even if it wasn't who she thought it was, she couldn't bring herself to think it was E'sere. She just couldn't have been /that/ taken in by him. No matter what Aida said, Vanya knew she wasn't stupid. Perhaps naive and too easy to trust people who seemed to accept her, but not /colossaly/ stupid.

The fresh air was invigorating, and at this altitude, it was cool and crisp. There might be more rain, but that would come later. She'd have plenty of time to get back.

/If I even bother to go back./

Where did that thought come from? It startled Vanya so badly, she jerked, and the runner gave an annoyed snort, raising his head to shake it with indignation. But, he didn't stop, and it wasn't long before she was rounding the last curve in the trail, emerging in the meadow where she'd spent such an enjoyable day with E'sere. She reined the beast in, pausing to just absorb the peaceful beauty of the place. Such a lovely piece of Pern, and she had it all to herself for as long as she wished. She could lie under the same tree, look up at the sky and try to sort through the streams of tangled threads that clouded her mind, made her worry and fret, and do things she had never done before.

The runner was more than ready to stop, moving the last yards to their destination with reluctance, another annoyed snort as she dismounted. Vanya considered taking off his saddle, but wasn't sure how to put it back on, so settled for an apologetic smile and a redfruit for his efforts. She did remove from him the leather satchel which held some food, a change of clothes and a blanket, taking that much extra weight from him at the very least. The reins, she simply let fall. He looked quite content to simply graze along the water's edge, and she doubted he'd wander far. He wasn't that energetic.

Neither was Vanya. She spread the blanket, and stretched out on her back. To rest. To think. To ... lose herself in the clouds streaming by overhead. To find picture clouds like she used to with her father. A mountain. A herdbeast. One that looked like Morelenth soaring down into the bowl...

Her eyes closed at that one. That was too sad. Too heart-breaking. Too much on top of everything else. But the images of the past few days were too raw, too fresh not to flow past in a never-ending stream of conscience that bore down on her light a heavy weight. Made her feel things she didn't want to. Shame. Fear. Disgust. Doubt. Not good things. Not happy memories. She had too few of those to overcome all the bad. Vanya tried. Tried very hard, but today the happy times in her life were just too far away they were lost. And the never-ending horror of realizing how her lack of control could hurt the very man she only wanted to help kept coming and coming and coming...

It was a couple of hours later that Vanya started awake at something. A noise. Some noise. She sat up, realizing she'd fallen asleep at some point, dreampt of watching E'sere and Morelenth disappearing from over the weyr while she watched from the Star Stones alone, while thunder and lightning crashed around her. Thunder! That was what woke her. Distant but distinct. Thunder signalling the storm she thought was hours away still. How long had she slept? Apparently much longer than she ever thought she would.

A moment of near panic. She'd never particularly minded storms, but that was because she watched from inside a safe place. Looking around the meadow, Vanya realized this was no safe hold or hall. And the dark clouds overhead promised to bring a heavy downpour, high winds, as well lightning -- and beneath a tree was no place to be, she knew that much! She had best hurry if she planned to be back at the weyr before it broke in full. The runner would just have to pick up his pace if he didn't want to be drenched --

The runner!

And now she did panic. Vanya looked around, moving to her knees, then her feet. Turning in a circle, scanning the meadow. It was empty. As empty as she suddenly felt. Alone. Abandoned by her mount, and no way to get down but by her own two feet. She looked once more to the sky, watching thunderheads streaming by even faster than before, flashes of lightning coloring their dark purple with brilliant white. She'd never get back in time to beat the storm.

Vanya forced herself to think calmly, forced the panic down. She wasn't stupid, she /could/ think. There was no 'fall scheduled, so she was safe from Thread. This was good, and all she had to worry about was the storm. It was still early enough that once it passed, she could make her way down to the weyr. Until then, all she need do was find shelter. Another glance around. Trees were no good. There were no holds near enough, no cave --

The cave! Behind the waterfall! The one E'sere showed her. It would do. It meant risking getting her things wet, but the leather satchel might be protection enough. There wasn't anything there to start a fire, but she could manage. She had to manage. Even if the storm lasted until dark, she had food and the blanket would be enough to keep her warm. She'd slept in less comfortable places in her life, she'd be all right in the cave. And, she had told the stableboy where she was headed. The runner? Well, hopefully he'd be well enough on his own. She didn't have time to worry about him now.

Once decided, it doesn't take Vanya long to strip off her clothes, stuff them and the blanket into the satchel, and hope for the best. Shoes are forgotten at the edge of the pool in her rush. The water every bit as frigid as she remembered, and every bit as wet. She hugged the satchel to her chest as she made her way to the falls, trying her best to protect it from the pounding water to safety.

Mountain Cave

This small cavern has just enough room for a modest sitting and sleeping area for two people. The inner stone is so dark as to be black, and the rocks that shape it provide surprisingly good insluation from the chill and roar of the falls just beyond. It's clear this space has been used before as small niches have been carved along the wall and are just the right height and size for the placement of glowbaskets. There's also a small, round indentation carved into the floor on one side and within are old ashes from a time when it was used as a firepit. Despite the comfort, the cave is perpetually slightly damp from the spray of the falls outside.

The storm broke as she reached the cave, climbing inside, shivering, dripping pools of water on the sandy floor. It was just as she and E'sere found it. Empty, save for imprints in the sand, near the wall where they'd -- No, she couldn't think of that. She stayed as close to the mouth as possible, close to the feeble light coming through the water. Opening the satchel, finding things were mostly dry, not nearly as wet as they could be. Fortune smiled at least a little. The blanket was wet only on one corner, her clothes at the bottom only slightly damp. The bread was soaked, but it wasn't the only food she brought. She would be fine here. Alone, yes, but that was the purpose of coming here, wasn't it? To be alone? To think? To put distance between herself and her troubles?

Dressed, wrapped in the blanket, Vanya sat and watched the day darken beyond the falls. Watched streams of water pouring down in front of her eyes, letting the sound of the waterfall lull her, soothe her. Letting the memories flow freely now. She felt as if she were wrapped in the arms of Pern itself, protected and safe. The rain would wash away the dust and dirt from the ground, just as this time alone to reflect, to make decisions would wash the doubts and fears from her soul.

vanya, non-rp, thoughts, alone

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