Requiem for the Colossaly Insane

Oct 08, 2006 21:26

IC Date: Day 17, Month 7, Turn 2, 7th Pass
Players: Aida, Vanya
Location: Lakeshore, Evening
Synopsis: After Vanya leaves the living cavern, she heads to the lake for some alone time. Only Aida comes looking for her, offering to let Vanya talk about what's bothering her. Explosions ensue. Warning: Mild Profanity & Lots of Insanity.

Southern Bowl

The bowl floor is a broad expanse of gravel and dust, packed flat over decades of dragonweight landing on it. Kept free of vegetation, the only color variation across the vast hollow of the bowl are the dragons, in good weather often found sunning on low ledges or sprawled along the floor itself. The well-worn, charcoal-grey walls of the bowl are nearly vertical, far too steep for even the most adventurous climber to attempt. The rim of the bowl, marked by a rainbow of perching dragons at all times of the day, is topped with massive stone spires that stretch upwards into the blue vault of the sky. There are seven in all, great black fingers of stone that seem, from where you stand, to touch the clouds.
Here the lake dominates the bowl floor, wind-scattered waves lapping at the gravel shore. A few scrawny shrubs to the southeast mark the fenced-in enclosure of the feeding grounds, bordered on its southwestern edge by the lake itself. Following the wall here will lead to the entrance to the weyrling complex and, past that, the stairs that lead to the guest weyr. On the other side of the lake is a vast, yawning tunnel curving upwards slightly, connecting to the long road leading away from High Reaches Weyr. Adjoining the exit is the high arch of the infirmary entrance.

It's mostly full dark now, only the barest vestiges of sunset left peeking over the western horizon, bathing the weyr walls with faint touches of orange and gold. There's no one on the lakeshore but a single figure perched on a rock, tossing pebbles into the water. Plunk, pause. Plunk, pause. Plunk, plunk. Over and over. Vanya sits there, not really brooding, but certainly not dancing for joy, either. Not happy, no. Decidedly not happy. PLUNK! Poor pebble. Poor lake to have it so viciously hit by a pebble, but better a pebble and a lake than someone's face. If the latter, she'd probably feel guilty after and have to fix a broken nose or something.

Scarf out of her hair and instead wound around her left forearm, Aida trudges out of the living cavern, drawing up to talk to a little group talking not all that far out. Some sort of response is given, and then she's replying, offering something of a smile and turning to head across the bowl and towards the lake. As soon as she spots that lone figure, her steps are shifted to be quieter, pace slowing down considerably. She approaches quietly, she watches -- there's no immediate calling out, no clearing of her throat to indicate her presence immediately.

Vanya's not impervious to what's going on around her. She can sense when someone's coming, perhaps just the soft sound of steps announcing she has company. Not that she says anything, figuring it's either a rider looking for solitude, or maybe someone else who wants to escape the crowded living cavern. Maybe even Aida. She doesn't turn her head to look. Plunk. Pause. Plunk. A sigh. No denying the person is heading toward the lake. Vanya still doesn't turn and look, but just stops tossing rocks.

Climbing herself up onto the rock beside Vanya, Aida flops down pretty heavily. Thud. She doesn't say anything, just looks around for her own little pebble to pick it up, tossing it lightly out into the water. There's no immediate pressure for conversation, no poking, not even a pleasant little greeting. Just flop, steal rock, toss it. So polite, our Aida.

In silence, Vanya passes a handful of small pebbles to Aida, acknowledging her presence, but not immediately speaking. Plunk. Another deep breath, exhaling slowly. Finally, "There's a whole pile of them just behind you to the left. Apparently, I'm not the only one who finds filling the lake in a desirable way to pass the time." A short pause. Plunk. "Do you think there'll be enough pebbles to do that? Fill it in, I mean."

The handful is taken in silence, and Aida joins in in the tossing of stones. She's lazy about it, relaxed, her own motions far more idle than they are anything else. When Vanya finally speaks, indicates the little pile of rocks, she glances over her shoulder towards them. Mmm. Her attention swings back around, settles on the surface of the water again. Fling. "Nope," she drawls in response, shaking her head to go with the words. "Reckon it'd just spread it out more, if anything. Make it easier to wade in." One shoulder is shrugged, and then she flings another little pebble out there.

"One pebble at a time," Vanya says, nodding. "Any journey is begun with the first step." Another quiet moment, and two more pebbles. "This how I met your werymate," she remarks. "We were both out here trying to fill the lake with pebbles after the first bad 'fall I experienced. Only he said the rocks weren't big enough. I think I know what he meant now." She doesn't toss any more pebbles for a few minutes. Then says, "He's a good man, Aida. Very intelligent, very ... polite." A small smile at that. "You're very lucky. I like him, and I respect him."

"Rocks aren't ever big enough," Aida agrees quietly, shoulder rolling again. Enh. She flings what's left of her handful of pebbles anyway, eyes darting from little splash to splash as they all land. Once they have, she shakes her head, rests both hands on the stone on either side and just behind herself, leans her weight back on them. "Br'ce is very proper," she agrees quietly, eyes staying out on the water, maybe even going a little unfocused. "I like him, too." No duh, Aida. "But this isn't about me, and it isn't about Br'ce. This is about you. Talk to me, Vanya. It's damn well obvious you don't have anyone else to talk to, and you're probably about two steps away from exploding. Maybe I'm just a nosy asshole...or maybe I'm right. What's going on?"

Vanya can appreciate the directness. It's not that which keeps her quiet. Long minutes of quiet. Then, "I don't think you'd appreciate what I have to say." Quiet, controlled voice. "I didn't stop to think before I opened my mouth tonight. I think if I say what I want to say, I'll be the one in the lake, and I don't swim all that well." Interesting words. "But, you're right about one thing. I am about ready to explode, and I don't think that would do any good right now. It certainly wouldn't help matters, that's for certain."

"Don't matter if I appreciate it or not," Aida points out, shaking her head and finally looking away from the water to focus her eyes on Vanya. "I'm not going to throw you in the lake. There's plenty of other ways to solve problems. I'm plenty calm -- believe me, there's probably nothing you could tell me that would actually make me angry, right now. Haven't much felt like fighting, lately." A small smile is offered, with those words. "You started it, Vanya."

Another moment of silence. "All right," Vanya says, finally turning to look at Aida for a long time, her tone one of 'you asked for it, you got it.' "What if I tell you they have the wrong man in custody right now? What if I tell you that I know something that makes me believe was someone likeable and trustworthy?" The words are quiet, but there's an underwritten anger in there. "That I think E'sere was nearly killed by this person, one of those I trusted most. Someone who showed me kindness, and has been oh-so-concerned about me, even to the point of suggesting I leave the weyr so he could be assured I wouldn't be able to do anything to stop him? That I wouldn't get in his way?" Her voice gets tighter at every word. "What would you say? What would you advise me to do? Because if I step forward now, everyone will think I'm only doing it because --" And there she stops. "For the wrong reasons. That I waited a day too late to tell anyone of my suspicions, and now I'm left knowing what I know and I dare not speak up because of some stupid gossip!"

Eyebrow lifting, Aida tilts her head to the side as she shifts on the rock to more fully look at Vanya...and then fairly promptly, she's shifting away again, turning her head to lock her eyes back out on the water once more. Something in her jaw tightens, and then it relaxes again, and that same placid expression settles over her, stays in place. Calm. Tension does creep into her shoulders, but that could easily be just a reaction to the other woman's gossip. "What is it that you know, Vanya? And why on earth do you think that I wouldn't appreciate hearing about this?" Because it's not known, outside of a very, very select group of individuals that she had anything, anything at all to do with any of this. "If they've got the wrong man in custody, Vanya, I could talk to the Headmaster. I'm -- my life has been threatened, recently. If they haven't actually caught the person behind it? I'm rather personally invested in making sure that they do."

"Because you know him," Vanya says simply. Then, "And you probably trust him, like I did. Like I still want to, and find it hard to believe he'd be mixed up in anything like that."

"So..." Aida glances sidelong over at Vanya now, expression still mild. But those shoulders are tightening. And when she sits up, her fingers curl towards her palms. "So what you're telling me is that I know and trust the person behind the attempts on my life, and you won't warn me?"

"Yes, because you won't believe me." Simple. "Aida, /I/ wouldn't believe me," she says, looking down at her hands. "I don't want to believe him capable of threatening anyone's life, let alone poisoning another rider, or ... or a goldrider. I just ... I don't know what to do. Where to turn. I -- E'sere was with me when he was poisoned. I'd asked this girl from the lower caverns, this Vey, her name was. I was searching for those missing supplies and ran into her. She said she'd do anything to help me, since I'd taken care of her hand, and I asked her to give E'sere a message to meet me, so I could warn him what I'd been told earlier. About ... well, that things were coming to a head, and there'd be danger coming. I hoped E'sere could stop it, could prevent --" She takes a shuddering breath. "-- another person from being hurt. Only he was poisoned by food that was sent to /my/ room for him. I shoud've realized that was wrong, but I was so upset about what D'v -- I'd been told, I just didn't think straight."

Dead silence. Aida stares for a long moment, and then offers up, "Vey. Aivey." The name is said quietly, and she turns her head enough to look at Vanya with a calm expression -- too calm, given the way she's now coiled, given that her small hands are now curling up into fists. "D'ven told you to be careful, because things were coming to a head. So you wanted to warn E'sere." This is offered up, as if she were just trying to make sense of it all. "Is this your basis for assuming that D'ven is the one behind it all, Vanya? Your...proof? That you don't want to warn anyone of? Or do you have something more?"

Vanya is quiet. "I -- It didn't sound like he asked me to be careful, Aida. He was vague, sounded ... I don't know, like he was hiding something. Like he was warning me to stay out of his way, or ... or something could happen to me, to those I care about." She's confused, upset. "See, I told you. I said you wouldn't believe me, and I understand why." She closes her eyes, puts her head in her hands. "E'sere was poisoned by an overdose of aconite. I checked the infirmary supply when the Weyrwoman, Roa, told me what they'd found. There was none missing that I could see. I checked records, even." She is quiet a moment. "Aconite is made from the anodyne plant, and that grows in abundance near Fort Hold. I was at Fort Hold in Healer Hall when D'ven came for me. They all said it was unusual for a wingsecond to play ferry duty, and a couple of the apprentices said he must've had another reason for going there that day. And ... aconite is the /distilled/ form of the anodyne plant. It's ... not all that hard to make if you know the workings of a distillery."

There is so much silence, there. So, so much silence. She's not even breathing, after Vanya has finished explaining. Aida eventually takes a deep breath, then lets it out slowly, ever so slowly -- not a moment later, she's shoving herself right back up to her feet, pacing a few steps forward towards the lake to put a bit of distance between herself and the healer. "You're a lucky woman," she states quietly. "One, that I said I wouldn't throw you in the lake. Two, that I don't often hit women, and three, that you're as fucking colossally /stupid/ as you are. Obviously, it's not your fault that you weren't born with the brains that a tunnelsnake has." And it's all said so calmly, too. At that point, she shifts on her feet, locks blue eyes on Vanya, and they, unlike her tone, are practically murderous with anger. "If you'd stopped to think for one moment, you stupid herdbeast, you'd have asked around and found out that half of what E'sere is likely to be charged with? /D'ven wasn't even here/. He was still in Benden. He hadn't even /put in for his transfer yet/. Two, you'd find out that Aivey -- E'sere's little friend? Yeah, who knew, again? That E'sere would be there? Yeah. She's the one who's been attacking people -- trying to kill people -- like Roa."

Vanya looks up at Aida, her eyes slowly widening, and then there's anger. Oh, it's a quiet anger, but it's anger, nonetheless. "I see. Well, certainly not one as colossally /stupid/ as I am would surely not be nearly smart enough to know any better than to say anything when she's told to speak. Openly invited to speak, even." Vanya laughs then. But it's not humor. She's not amused. "Well. I certainly opened up to the right person, didn't I? Thank you for your concern, Aida. It's worked wonderfully for you, hasn't it. Now you have what you want. Both of you, apparently. You know what I suspect, and can run tell you friend so maybe I can be the next one to get mysteriously poisoned, or maybe gotten drunk so my name is ruined with rumor and gossip." She shakes her head. "Yes, I'm stupid. Stupid to have ever expected that people here would be honorable, to have believed the myth that's honesty and truth. I don't know any /Aivey/, don't know who or what she is other than a girl I bandaged a hand for. The same as I've done for anyone else who came to the Infirmary cut and bleeding. So, that makes me stupid. Fine. You've won. You and D'ven, you win. You've successfully removed the competition for Weyrleader. I've no doubt you've managed to fabricate all kinds of evidence that will get E'sere exiled, so it's all yours. Only I'm not leaving, I'm not abandoning what I was sent here to do, and that wasn't to be made the patsy of your pet bronzerider. So just get used to that." And with those words, Vanya slips from the rock to scatter her pebbles on the shoreline. "You know, maybe if you'd opened your mouth, you /or/ D'ven, and given me a clue what was happening, /maybe/ I could've made an /informed/ decision, instead of being left in the sharding dark!"

"You're blasted insane," Aida states, tone calm as can be, still. She steps a few steps back, her hands tightening further around themselves. "You are /insane/. Fabricated evidence? /He was not here/, Vanya. He was not here when I was kidnapped. How could he have been involved with my kidnapping when he did not even know that he was going to be leaving Benden? How could he have been involved in attacking Roa when he did not at that time know he was going to be leaving Benden? Can you explain that?"

Vanya simply smiles. "So? He wasn't here. It's so difficult for dragons to get from one place to the other, isn't it? Oh, my! Blink, blink. Between. And ... oh, yes, not here -- but his friends were, weren't they? All his bestest buddies from Benden, here. And he /was/ here before. Caucus. Three years of being here. Three years of political classes, learning the weyr, maybe making plans for the future. Pretending to be the happy-go-lucky bronzerider who never commits to anything, never gets involved with the inner workings of the weyr, just sits back and distills his wine and mead to keep everyone happy. Make everyone think he has /no interest/ in being anyone important. Oh, woe -- he could /never/ have that kind of ambition!" She pauses for a breath then adds, "But wait -- there's trouble at Benden for him and golly gee, he's suddenly transferred here, back to High Reaches where suddenly, he stands a good chance of someday being Weyrleader. Only there's someone in the way. Someone that's easily gotten rid of, since all these other people have been hurt, threatened. It doesn't take a huge leap of logic to think that plans were made long ago, and not all that difficult for riders to talk to one another with dragons, now does it? I'm naive, yes, but no matter what you think Aida, I'm /not/ stupid. I can reason with the best of them, probably even stand toe to toe with you. How well to /you/ know him, Aida? Or have you had a night or two drunk with him to the point where he's taken you in, too? Or, what do you have to gain from it? Do you get the Caucus someday?"

What anger there was is replaced by confusion and disbelief. Aida...just stares, really. She blinks slowly, and she stares at the other woman, and then she's taking a few steps further back away, bringing her hands up in a vaguely defensive posture. "You're insane," she points out quickly, shaking her head. "You''re just insane. You have no idea what the accusations are, no idea what anyone's supposedly done, who's involved, none of it -- you just don't want E'sere to be guilty, and so D'ven's an easy target to blame. This is /madness/, Vanya. /Listen/ to yourself."

"Madness? Why is it madness, Aida?" Vanya shakes her head. "But, what does it matter? As I've said before, all I ever wanted to do here is make people get well, and prevent them from getting dead. You believe what you want to believe. I'm a healer, and I know one thing for absolute certain. E'sere nearly died the other night. If I had eaten any of that food, I could not have saved him. It doesn't matter /who/ poisoned him, he did not poison himself. No /sane/ person takes a chance like that, and of all the people I've met in this weyr, E'sere is the only one who's ever taken the time to explain things, to offer advice, to show me some kind of respect for my thoughts, my ideas. He never made fun of me, or accused me of taking someone's patient from them, or treated me like I was anything but someone worthy of his respect. He didn't get me drunk, or plan to make me a notch on his bedpost. Or laugh at me behind my back. E'sere didn't try to sway me to one side or the other, he was there to offer me protection after the night Yevide died, when the /Weyrleader/ and guards couldn't be bothered." She shakes her head. "No, that's not madness, Aida. It's something else, but I can't put my finger on it -- oh, wait! Maybe it's kindness. Such an alien thing here, I didn't recognize it! What could he possibly gain from being /nice/ to someone who's new? I mean, I realize it's an alien concept for you, but other people /are/ willing to be friendly without gain."

"You're utterly mad," Aida repeats, her eyes going a little wide; there's no attempt made to disguise the defensive posture she takes on, the way she holds her hands -- she's ready for Vanya to leap at her and attack her physically, ready to defend herself. Apparently, she's expecting the woman to do so at any moment. "You...don't even know me, and you're making all these accusations against /me/? I've been kind to you, Vanya. Up until this discussion, I have been /nothing/ but kind to you, but suddenly I'm evil? You're twisting everything around in your head to make it support your reality, does not make any /sense/. You're not making any sense. You're making these wild leaps of logic that even a child could see through."

"Oh? Oh, yes, I remember your kindness. That night in the baths when you raked me over the coals for daring to say I thought I could help T'zen, and then the gentle talk last time, about how I'm trying too hard. Yes, I suppose you would call that kindness." Vanya nods. "So, I'm mistaken. You /have/ been kind. Just like my dear, sweet uncle and cousins were so kind to me for being a half-blooded nobody. Just like everyone else has been /kind/ to me all my life. Well, I thank you, Aida. Your kindness has certainly helped me remember my place here. I so appreciate being caught between your and Dara's fights. That was definitely kind." She shakes her head again. "Well, don't worry. I won't be making any more wild leaps of logic, and I won't say anything to anyone. I'm sure you and D'ven and all the others have managed to make me look colossally stupid enough that I wouldn't be believed anyway. After all, who's going to believe me against your word and the word of a bronzerider? You're someone important who everyone knows and likes. Me? I'm just a healer. A nothing, a nobody. You? -- well you have an entire wing to back you up, don't you? It's no contest. I lose. So, you win. Enjoy your victory, Aida. I really hope it fulfills your life. But -- be good to Br'ce. He is a good man, and deserves someone who really loves him." With that, Vanya turns on her heel, simply walking away. "Have a good night, Aida. I won't be bothering you again."

" over the coals..." Aida just stares, really, keeping that defensive posture. "My word..." She just trails off, staring after Vanya as she walks away. "Dragons don't lie," she calls after the woman, shaking her head. "Remember that." And apparently, that's all she has to say. She straightens back up once the healer has reached a safe distance, shaking her head and bringing her hands up to rub at her face.Log goes here

vanya, aida, insanity, rp, explosion

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