Sep 20, 2005 21:34
its so...
sad how we dont realize how PRECIOUS life is, until we've lost it
sad how we dont realize how insensitive we are to the dying all around us
sad how we regret not saying good bye or saying "take care" when we realize we could have.
sad how we try to supress the feeling and memory of that one loved one.
but it is so great to have life.
my dad just attended a funderal of a little boy who passed away of cancer. emphasis on little boy.
this brought back the memory and the recollection of how a significant moment in my life had taken place a while back.
i know we have all gotten those e-mails and chain letters saying, "dont forget to tell your loved ones that you love them"
and how many of us actually carry out that small selfless act?
and then it hits you in the gut and the pain takes over on how we could have said three small measly words, "i love you."
and you will never and i meen never forgive yourself.
Then there are those that say, "I had no idea this was going to happen."
no excuse to ackowledge the ones you care about, whether its from saying "hello, have a great day" to an all out love fest on how much you care about them.
you should.
and i know this entry is just flying you by if a signifcant loss has not happened to you.
but i beg of you to never forget.
or you will live with the regret and the weight of being guilty on your shoulders forever.
and ask your self: "how long will this take?"
and the answer: "not long at all"