OK, I reread
this article three times...
And I know it's meant as a jest, a joke, a parody...
And I know that it is meant to be a funny look on the old "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", and everything...
But it just really rubbed me the wrong way...
As something that cost the lives of thousands through pogroms and the lives of millions in the the Holocaust, am I the only one who thinks that a parody of the old anti-Semitic idea of Jews controlling the world is just a tad bit... how do you say... not in the best of taste?
Let's put it frankly - I was fuckin' pissed at that article when I first read it! Thank god I've had about 5 hours to come down, or else this entry would be much more profanity-prone!
Any thoughts?
P.S. Not to mention that it did say anywhere that it was a joke. For all we know, the author could have meant every word of it to be the god-honest truth! grrrrrrr