Fanmix: Crooked Feet (Loki)

Jan 01, 2013 09:36

Fandom: Marvel
Subject: Loki
Title: Crooked Feet
Warnings/Notes: For round 11 of waywardmixes. My take on Loki is primarily based in the movie-verse, but also includes bits and pieces of actual Norse mythology, a little bit of comic-verse (though I’ve read very few comics, so I don’t claim to know what I’m doing when it comes to them), and random ideas from random fics I’ve read in this fandom. Also, I did not create the art. I found it on a webpage when I was googling Loki mythology. It was uncredited there, but I think it's from a comic, although I wouldn't be able to say which one. But I did not create it (although I did tweak the coloring a bit).

“Loki is a handsome god, but his soul is filled with spite and fickleness. Loki is often getting the gods into trouble with his mischief making, but oft times he gets them out of it with cunning and crafty advice.”

Loki is full of contradictions. He was raised as Aesir, the brother of Thor, but is the true born son of the Jotun king Laufey. He is a Trickster and a mischief maker, despite desperately wanting to please his Aesir family and knowing his lies and deceit cause them nothing but heartache. He is a Frost Giant by birth, yet he is the God of Fire. He hates the Aesir for their lies, but he loves them because they are his family. He hates Thor because belonging was always easy for Thor, but he loves Thor because Thor is his brother, and the memories of their childhood and their mutual love for each other cannot simply be erased. He hates that he cannot stop loving the Aesir, and he hates that he cannot love the Jotun, for they will always be the ‘monster under his bed.’ He is full of love, he is full of hate, and he does not belong.

For his crimes against Midgard and Jotunheim, Loki is bound to a rock and forced to endure the ever-dripping poison of the serpent Skadi. The venom burns whatever it touches, and not even Loki can heal fast enough to escape the pain. He writhes in agony, creating earthquakes as he does so, and awaits Ragnarok, the prophesied end of the gods and his last chance at freedom.

Even as his skin burns, melts, and knits back together, Loki cannot help but cry out for Thor, for Odin, for Frigga. As much as he despises his family because he is the monster in their midsts, their visages are a comfort to him, and he holds memories of his long ago family close to his chest.

And yet, despite his love, he still plots, because his hatred will never go away. He plots for Ragnarok, when he will be free, and he will have his revenge once and for all. Asgard will feel his hot-cold fury. It will rain down on them, and he will destroy his beloved city and rebuild it from its ashes, better than it ever was under Odin’s rule. That is the promise Loki makes as he writhes under Skadi. His revenge will be tearing Odin’s home apart, just as Odin did him, and creating his own kingdom of Chaos.

A home in which Loki will finally belong.

raise hell
brandi carlile

I've been down with a broken heart
Since the day I learned to speak.
The devil gave me a crooked start
When he gave me crooked feet.

mowgli’s road
marina & the diamonds

You say Y-E-S to everything
Will that guarantee you a win?
Do you think you will be good enough
To love others and to be loved?

imagine dragons

I raise my flags, don my clothes
It's a revolution, I suppose
We'll paint it red to fit right in
I'm breaking in, shaping up
Then checking out on the prison bus
This is it, the apocalypse

skeleton key
margot & the nuclear so-and-so’s

I did a horrible thing to that girl.
I bred my misery and drowned it in her.
And she got me high,
And I hardly noticed there were tears in her eyes.

little hell
city & colour

There's a degree of difficulty in dealing with me
From my haunted past comes a daunting task of living through memories.
If we could just hang a mirror on the bedroom wall, stare into the past and forget it all

bleeding out
imagine dragons

You tell me to hold on
Oh you tell me to hold on
But innocence is gone
And what was right is wrong

‘Cause I’m bleeding out
So if the last thing that I do
Is to bring you down
I’ll bleed out for you

the noose
a perfect circle

Recall the deeds as if
They're all someone else's
Atrocious stories
Now you stand reborn before us all
So glad to see you well

counting the hours
digital summer

It's too late despite our regrets
We deserve everything we get
And I cant wait for the rain
I invite the earthquakes and hurricanes
And I live for moments just like this
Where the walls come down, and the chaos hits
There's nothing like an apocalypse to open your eyes


movie: avengers, movie: thor, !fanmix

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