Sep 09, 2004 10:42
i am in a fairly bettr mood today, which is good because I just went down through my last posts and I've been pretty irritable, so excuse all that.
ways to feel better instantly:
wake up to sunshine for the first time in forEVER
update:I didn't actually get to finish above post, Mom called and told me Nanny was in the hospital because last night she woke up to use the bathroom and was on her way back and started to mess around in her dresser. (Mom had been packing up some of her stuff for the move) She somehow pulled the dresser on top of her and was trapped under it all night. She somehow got out from under it this morning and called mom to get her neighbor across the street to come help her get up. Unfortunatly the neighbor didn't have her phone plugged in or something so Mom got Ocean Lakes security to come down and bring the ambulence. Shes hasn't broken anything, but shes terribly bruised and got a couple of cuts too. They told mom shes really disoriented and they also told Nanny that shed have to move into the assisted living facility now instead of in two days like she had thought. So she got completely upset when they told her that and started hyperventalating.
I'm completely upset by this, I don't even know how to react because there's so many emotions going through my head. I just want everything to be alright and stop being bad and crappy.