Sep 08, 2004 12:27
I would just
like to rant right now
because I'm period-y AND because I really hate Dr. Mulkey
*pounds fist into hand multiple times imagining his cue ball head there*
I just Concept today, things I like: The cover looks spectacular and it is in brilliant color
things I'm pissed about: oh just about everything else, including the letter the new "editors" included in there about how they are sorry for the delay in distribution. Yeah late distribution my ASS, Mulkey went though and took out anything he didnt like. (and thats coming right from Meredith) So instead if it being nice and book like, its nice and tiny like. I didn't see anything from Nat or Ashley (and I had thought both of you had put something in, though I could be wrong because I didn't edit the written work) It just makes me angry all over.
Heres who got written stuff in:
Carissa Brown (twice in a row)
Syd McMath
Cindy Brown
Linda Holden
Jenn Gardner
Jessie Burke
Christina DeAbate
Kara Dixon
Anabda Corwin
Naisia Dennison
Nikki Harris
Aly Goodwin
Heather Herrmann
Sarah Lewis
Lisa Medley
Michelle Oler
Jessica Simmons
Meredith Hardwicke
Amy Stahl
anyway, at least I got a copy, and thats about all I can say
I'm hoping we can have the halloween party too. Evie says shes up for it, and Brandi might be interested (I hope) and Claire and FLAG and maybe WISE too?
Yesterday was awesome because I got a pirate tattoo
its a skull and eyepatch, and two crossed swords arrrrr! its supposed to last me a good week if I take care of it right, Awesome.