First Hello, Second Conversations, Final Showdown - Scott Clarke/Jonny Lloyd Ficlets

Jan 14, 2009 12:15

Don't mind me, I'm just facilitating my boredom. Now I'm free for 11 days before uni starts all over again, I'm a bit *SHRUGS* :/ lol and too restless to write, so I thought I'd push another of my backlog (only another to go) of Avenue fics forward. Been thinking about getting a writing journal (seems all the rage these days) but dunno if I can be arsed to essentially look after two journals lol.

ANYWAY. Enjoy!

Title: First Hello, Second Conversations, Final Showdown
Author: Me, imagination55. LOP is blowing the dust off my other half finished creations.
Pairing: Scott/Jonny (Avenue), new OTP <3
Part: 1/1 - Standalone (three little interconnecting ficlets)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: He’s got something important to say anyway... (I haven't had such a rubbish summary in years)
Disclaimer: This is not true, made up, yaddayaddayadda. The beauty of fiction!
A/N: This was actually the first Scott/Jonny piece I wrote, way back at the beginning of September 2008, apparently. Then I started the Epic Date fic and forgot to post this first. Comments are love. <3

First Hello.

They’re sitting on the back door step of their London house. It’s only big enough for two people, at a push, but, as Jonny glances sideways at Scott, he has to admit, if only to himself, that that’s fine by him. He’s got something important to say anyway.


It feels like he’s barely said it out loud so how his bandmate hears him he has no idea. But he does and with a “yeah, mate?” and a friendly gaze turned towards him, Jonny momentarily freezes. What the hell does he think he’s doing?! Its dark, the stars are out, the lights are on in houses all across the city, he can feel a calming breeze ruffling his hair and he looks down at his hand. He’s been drinking. He blinks. It’s like he’s only just realised.


The blonde looks up again and swallows hard. Now or never.

He laughs, something of disbelief, “I wanted to tell you that…I’m gay”

What he’s not prepared for is Scott joining in with the laughter. Jonny looks at him sharply, finding it difficult not to feel humiliated and insulted. He wants to stand up and go back into the house, into the warmth, into his head and that’s where he plans to stay. Until.

“Oh I knew that. My gaydar’s tuned to perfection”

Scott winks at him then returns to looking out at the garden in front of them, leaving Jonny confused when something tells him that he shouldn’t be.


Second Conversations.

Everywhere Jonny goes, Scott goes. It seems logical because yeah, they’re in a group together, but it’s not ideal when you’re confused and have a mind full of doubts that like to creep up at the most inappropriate of times.

However, it’s Scott that crosses the inappropriate line first and not in the manner Jonny’s used to either. All five of them are in various corners of a photographer’s studio, being interviewed or being snapped. Jonny had decided to have a seat for a while, idly watch Max posing like a pro, and let his mind wander.

Scott cuts straight through his plans with a, “so…you’re gay?”

Jonny’s eyes widen and he laughs nervously before gritting his teeth and leaning closer into Scott, “I told you that last week”

“I know. Just checking it wasn’t the booze talking that’s all”

Scott looks away, at Ross, who’s making kissing noises towards Andy and clearly winding him up good naturedly about something that the two blondes can’t hear. Or care about. When he looks at his bandmate again, it’s clear that Jonny’s eyes haven’t left his face. Scott sighs.

“‘Tuned to perfection’?”

“Oh yeah” Scott says, brighter, then quickly blinks and looks to see Jonny smirking, like he knows the boot seems to have magically made its way onto the other foot, “not that I’m gonna, y’know…”

Jonny nods and twists a piece of hair lying over his eye, for lack of anything real to do with restless hands, “Good to know”


They’re both unsure whether each other can tell that they’re wearing matching small smiles and neither has the guts to check.


Final Showdown.

Jonny’s been sitting in the living room for around thirty minutes and there’s still no sign of Scott. One of the sofas (dangerously cream and probably not for long, absurdly comfy though) is in prime position so that he can see out of the open doorway and into the hallway where obviously the bottom of the stairs resides. Scott’s been upstairs for a while, doing God knows what, and everything that’s been said or done between the two has managed to play even more heavily on Jonny’s mind than ever before. He’s going stir crazy and this is not a good feeling when the group is on the crest of something hopefully big and great. It needs sorting somehow and soon.

As if the world is giving him a sign of agreement, Jonny hears a dull thud from above and he irrationally looks up at the ceiling (why do people do that? It’s not as if you can suddenly obtain x-ray vision and see through floors!) then follows the sound down with his blue eyes as quick footsteps start on the stairs. Jonny gets to his feet like he’s a soldier about to be inspected by the sergeant…or when he and his dancer friends were supposed to be going over a new routine and their laziness was about to be found out by the unhappy, stressed choreographer!

He swallows his nerves, tugs on the hem of his shirt and dashes out into the small hallway. He’s not even completely certain about what he’s going to say or maybe even do but he’s there, in the moment, and that should count.

“Anyone seen that shirt I bought last week?!” Scott shouts as he tramples down the stairs, “You better not have nicked it out of my room, Ross! You know it won’t fit you, you little shit, however much you like-”

But Jonny can’t stop and he ends up ramming the shorter blonde into the hallway wall, halting Scott mid-tirade. At least he tells himself that when he literally comes face to face with shocked blue eyes a shade darker than his own and arms rose up in protection. It’s less scary than the truth that his body knew exactly what it wanted to achieve and it’s accomplished it much more effectively than he ever could’ve dreamed.

“If it was you, I don’t care” Scott says quietly, squinting in surrendering fear, “Just don’t hit me”

Surprised by his words, Jonny consciously releases the tension in his back but doesn’t unclench his hands fisted in Scott’s t-shirt. The material feels thin, worn, and if Jonny dares to concentrate hard enough his knuckles almost whisper-brush against Scott’s skin. However, the relief he feels makes him laugh breathlessly and he ducks his gaze away briefly before returning to nearly resting his forehead against the wall just behind his bandmate’s shoulder. Scott stares at him, calm but questioning and still a little shocked because two years of knowing each other doesn’t necessarily mean that they’ve seen all sides to their personalities. It only takes a second and he doesn’t really realise that he’s followed the rule cliché book to the letter but Jonny’s eyes flicker to Scott’s mouth and the rest happens blindingly fast. Something’s clearly obvious though as they kiss. Jonny needn’t have worried about telling Scott he was on the other bus.

It’s annoyingly chaste and luckily they can fix that straight away. But first.

“You didn’t have to be so cryptic y’know”

“Cryptic?!” Scott shakes with amusement underneath Jonny’s close hands, “I find that winking usually works”

Jonny makes a frustrated sound, frustrated at himself mostly for being so caught up in his worry that he never even thought of the possibility that someone else might have something to hide too. Despite his typical good looks and his proud mother going on and on at him since he was a child of being a heartbreaker, he had his Northern mentality to deal with. He was a dancer, paid his way to audition for bigger and better days filled with limelight, and now he’s in a boyband, sorry, vocal harmony group, but he still strives to be modest and humble. Qualities that can easily create mistakes on the dating scene.

“I’m sorry” he says finally, but he’s smiling.

Scott bites his lip and Jonny silently thinks stop it as he grins, “No need. We’re more than fine, Jonny”

Satisfied and although his hands are beginning to ache from being at the same spot on Scott’s chest throughout, Jonny leans in again. Scott stops him, tantalisingly a mere breath apart.

“I’m guessing the others are out…” Scott checks, fingertip no longer pressed to Jonny’s mouth as it’s too good a feeling to have out here in the vulnerable open.

Jonny tilts his head slightly and smiles a little, “You guess right”

Scott lets his eyes initially do the talking as his gaze drifts to the stairs that they’re standing next to and beyond, “Comin’ upstairs?”

“Why, Clarke, you dirty scoundrel!” Jonny teases as he watches Scott move back up to his room and he follows.

He’s halfway up when Scott appears over the banister again and this time the reveal of his teeth is far more devious.

“I want my shirt back” he announces sternly, without making references to Ross or anyone else and Jonny knows he’s been rumbled.

However, as he undoes a few of the buttons, he can’t seem to care and he decides that Scott will have to fight him for it. By any means necessary.


Shouldn't go on a fic post but I'm so excited! :D My Adam Hills DVD JUST arrived! ♥ OMG BEST DAY! \o/

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