The Return Of Russell (& A Sexy Friend)

Jan 06, 2009 00:44

I HAS A PICSPAM. (but I wish I had a Russell & Adam icon. Would make things easier to display lol)

I meant to do this when the Christmas Special aired originally but I missed the deadline and then, luckily, the programme was repeated and thus the show returned to BBC's iPlayer. :D Phew!

It's very late (or early, depending on how you look at it) but its been a few hours since I started and I was stubborn enough to finish it all now. So, I give you:-



Smile!corner. IT'S BACK, BABY! (With added Adam, like I did for 6x06 lol) \o/ ♥


Well, well, well. HI ADAM.

“You make Christmas Specials a lot differently than we do in Australia” (I know, funnily enough I watched S&S’s Christmas show just last night on YouTube lol)

“This is the most miserable thing I’ve ever been involved in. THIS is my worst Christmas!” Lol, welcome to Britain. ;)

A switch to Ed’s team. Hi Ed!

[Picture of lots of Santas] “This is actually what goes on inside crackers” Aww!

Zone out the screencap idiocy and just focus on the fact that RUSSELL IS SUCKING THE END OF HIS PEN! *ahem* How very…enjoyable. Rawr.

“Twelve months a year they look like arseholes!” lol, but what I was actually drawn to was how that’s so Russell’s thinky!face! ♥

SMILE ATTACK! Three of them at once, all synchronised. Ladies and gentlemen, this is the effect of one Frankie Boyle. :’D

That was by accident lol. Smile and a hand! Two for the price of once! RESULT. \o/ ♥

I never want to see him cry for real lol. Although am ashamed to say that that does make me have the urge to write angsty fic.

“Just be like that at the beginning of the show, ‘I’m Frankie Boyle, and this is a very different Mock The Week’” lol.
Also LOL @ Frankie’s reply! - “That’s exactly how I was hoping this would pan out”

I’m always enthralled by the way that man [Adam, in case you were in any doubt…*re*] leans back. Does it on S&S as well. Ah cross that show with Never Mind The Buzzcocks…LOL. It makes NMTB look more scathing than it is! They should have him back on NMTB though. From his profile (God, nearly everyone’s got them haven’t they?! o_O), it says he was on it a few years ago, still Amstell era, but I honestly don’t remember seeing that one and I wish someone would miraculously put it up on YouTube. *le sigh* Anyway, LEANING. IS GOOD. ♥

I can’t even spell the strange noise that fell from my lips when I (so very luckily) clicked on the Pause button for that. Ngh. ♥ Who gives a fuck if he’s engaged, he is still my older man crush, dammit!

[Hugh on which other celebrities they would all be mistaken for] *points to Adam* - “Jesus” - LOL!!! So according to Mr Dennis’ ruling, me thinking Hillsy’s a bit hot understatement is now blasphemous by lookalike association as well?! Nice(!)

Hugh - “Have you been mistaken for someone?”
Russell - “Any number of mostly gay presenters that have been on telly”

I bolded a bit of that because in my own fangirly little world, Russell was looking at Adam when he said that and OH THE FICTIONAL POSSIBILITIES! Coded outings! He’s gonna be in trooooooouble! (he was looking over in RL but whether at Hugh or Adam I can’t be sure with such a tight shot *ahem*) And d’you know? I think I know who he means. Although they don’t look like each other enough to be true lookalikes. Silly public.

HE WINKED! HE WINKED! ♥ (Screencaps will always look moronic though) Man, I do love it when men wink lol. Done in the right way of course. Makes me want to watch Adam’s DVD again. *happysigh* ♥

Random pretty [‘cos of the whole Santa on a Quantas aeroplane story]. You know me, if he’s on MTW, Russell’s not the only one to get some screencap lovin’ lol. ♥

I need a .gif ‘cos honestly, in that moment, I was quite fascinated by the way he blinked. WTF BRAIN?! No, just made his eyelashes look really long, even from that distance. ♥

Oh, he quite possibly rivals Russell when he smiles/laughs. In a different way, but still. Just as rightly gorgeous. ♥

Frankie - “That’d be an amazing way to hijack a plane, wouldn’t it? ‘Yessss, Christmas is over! […]” etc etc but just. *points* THIS MAKES ME WANT TO MAKE ADAM HILLS LAUGH. ♥


[Frankie’s prediction for CERN’s hadron collider in Switzerland and that Russell will die PMSL]

Lalala pretty. He had the same joke as Frankie but Frankie got there first. But Russell had the best after pose. :p

Extreme leaning. The man is trying to kill me with his powerz. ♥


Trying to be all fake serious on the mention of the CERN incident again before that kid’s picture LOL. These are all interesting fic inspiration pictures, just a scrapbook of ‘Russell Many Faces’ lol!

Poor vaporised Russell lol.

Sorry, separate, I’m breaking my own smile!corner rules here. I think I’m in love. ♥

[Carols By Candleight] “Everyone sits out in a park at night, holding candles, singing Christmas carols, in bush fire season” LOL smartypants.

[The whole Deck The Halls/Dick The Horse story srsly hard to screencap and at this point I am getting impatient. I’ve lost me skillz!] “WE’RE HAVING A HORSE!” Genius.

“I said something that no one took the piss out of! CHRISTMAS IS ALIVE! \o/” Aww! ♥ I wanna know what Dara was saying/going to say lol.

Dara - “What have the MOD lost this week?”
Russell - “Is it a laptop, sugar?”
Dara - “Yes, sweetcheeks, it is…*pause*…people have to eventually know about us”
Russell - “Yeah”

LOL SMIIIILEEEEE. Every now and again, those two like to covert flirt and I can’t believe no one’s ever commented on it! I bet if you added all those moments up, they’d come to a fair size total, hee. :)

Question is: Has Ed noticed and what is his opinion? OH THE FIC! *flails*

I went to get a smile and I got that LMAO! Russell [after Lauren falls HA! He is very considerate and lovely.] “That’s just brought home the brutality of this round”

Michael McIntyre (♥) - “Okay, let me come out of me and into Boris [Johnson]”
Russell - “That was like the most charming threat I’ve ever seen” - LOL oh bless them.

I think he’s got even fitter than last year ‘cos on his DVD I’m questioning whether he looked like that [pic] in 2007 lol. Hmm…
(no Hair & Clothes Watch ‘cos we’ve seen it all before and it was all good and commented on at the time lol I dunno whether to prefer the red choices or blue…)

Seen the SWLTS bits before so I just picked one of my favourites to end with, heh. Aww! ♥

Well, I say end. Have three screencaps of Adam being interviewed (2008, baby!) on Rove, which I found and watched last night on YouTube:-

*happysigh* Pretty. ♥

[Amidst Adam’s go at the yogic Sun Salutation] Rove - “While you’re there…who would you turn gay for?”

Adam - “Is your next sentence gonna be ‘‘Cause we’ve got him right here!’? The answer, by the way, would be me”
Rove - “Oh, really?”
“I would turn gay for me”
“Why the hell not?”
“If I wasn’t me, like if I was sitting out there [in the audience], I’d reckon I’d go me”

Just. Genius. ♥

Okay, I’m done. Hope you enjoyed another brief stint into the world of picspamming by me. Who knows when it could pop up again! :D

Over and out


PS Forgot to say before that yesterday my sister told me that SCD’s Camilla WON’T be dancing next year. WTF?! NOOOO! She can’t win after trying for 6 series and then quit! I wanna keep her around, she’s awesome. The only way I could be happy from this is if Big Bosses decide to, I dunno, bring Brian Fortuna back. Permanently.

pictures, teevee, scd is love, adam hills: funny & just a bit gorgeous, i iz laughing all the way to timbuktu

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