photos of snow and a pictorial wooster cat story

Jan 12, 2011 16:12

This is what it looked outside at about 3:30 pm:

Bench at 11am:

Bench at 3:30 looks slightly more filled in:

How high the ploughed snow is piled:

This is not the way to Narnia:

I've been meaning to take a photo of this face over our doorway for ages:

And now a Wooster cat story:

He loves to wash. He washes himself 8 thousand times a day. He washes us. He washes his toys. So I was not at all surprised when I set down the first finished piece of the afghan I am knitting and he plopped right down on it and...

Hmmmm... what are these strings? I will wash them:


Ooooo. I can chew on it. nom nom nom

I approve of this thing.

Here is the finished section without a cat on it:

photo post, wooster cat, snow, knitting

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