oh my gosh snow

Jan 12, 2011 13:14

There is a lot so far. I would say this is pretty much a real blizzard. I took some photos and will post them later. Although I know snow in Boston is hardly a shocker, but some winters we barely get any.

I made it to the gym and there was only one other person working out. My gym is huge. Normally there are like 50 people there. I used the treadmill and watching part of Bringing up Baby. I was born in a snowstorm during a Kathrine Hepburn film festival and that's why my mother named my Katherine, well, that and it it's also a family name. Anyway it seemed fortuitous.

I trekked to the coffee shop (four whole blocks) and found it packed to the rafters. Apparently a section of Cambridge lost power and so people are working here and someone let me squeeze in at his table so I'm having coffee.

snow, my fat ass

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