Day Five.

Nov 05, 2012 23:56

Day 05
  written: 2k
  goal: 2.8k
  total: 13.5k

I'm just now getting to that scene that I wanted to get to with Kachi meeting Annuid, her love interest. Took forever, but I haven't really been writing like I should. I have like 3 hours in the morning before I have to go to class and if I just wrote something during that time, my life would be soo much easier. I start writing at like 10 o'clock at night and it's just stressful. I'm lucky to get as much words out as I do.

I also did some plotting, but not very much. I need to do more. I'm about to fall off the edge of my brief outline if I don't do anymore. So, um, yeah. I'm going to try to get to 18k tomorrow, but I have looming projects in three of my classes, so I don't know. We'll see.

2012, challenge: nanowrimo, writing: goals, title: naked eye

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