
Jun 10, 2012 23:52

So I haven't posted about camp in awhile, but I'm doing all right. Probably the only reason I'm still on target is because I was ahead that first part of the week. I feel like my writing is always going to slow down on the weekend, because that's when I have to do things with the family. Nothing wrong with that, especially if I write a lot while ( Read more... )

2012, challenge: campnano, !shapeshifters!, !stopthezombies!, writing: goals, title: bound by blood

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Comments 2

vivaciousmuse June 11 2012, 21:15:44 UTC
This used to be fantasy romance. Now it's fantasy politics and zombies with a romantic subplot.

Haha, I love this. I love how stories just take off on their own and go in different directions from what we intended. They really have a mind of their own. :)


imaginary_rose June 13 2012, 03:05:19 UTC
I'm not used to this happening with my plots. Usually my characters are all, "I want to do this, I don't care what it does to your silly little outline." It's inconvenient, but no longer unexpected. This time it was like, "And then there were zombies!!! No? Okay...they'll be some undead things, call them what you want, but this is happening."


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