Harry Potter Quiz Results

Dec 15, 2005 00:42

With Which Harry Potter Male Are You Most Sexually Compatible?

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Viktor Krum
You go for the 'strong, silent type'. All
masculine, ready to protect you in a heartbeat,
all this guy needs is a girl to bring him out
of his shy shell. Some things don't need to be
spoken to be understood!

Who is your Harry Potter love match? (for girls)
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Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster.

Harry Potter Quiz: Which Hogwarts Professor Are You?
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Whos Your Harry Potter Soulmate

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(i actually went back & changed answers...still got the Jerkface lol)

How Obsessed With Harry Potter Are You? - with Mary GrandPre Art

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...the results page said I'm "a Purist," and that I'm loyal to the end. MEANING: very HP-obssessed. but we knew that :P

Welcome to Gryffindor!

Your Hogwarts House (Harry Potter)
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