Jul 10, 2006 10:33
I finally had the time to see Jenn and Dennis at thier barbecue last night. As usual, they are marvelous, and the guests were a scattering of interesting people interspersed like four leaf clovers among the crabgrass of humanity.
Jenn has told me that I'm her hero - because I do what I want to do, and don't worry about money. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Never is the concern far from my mind. Merely that I am stubborn or mad enough to press on with my dreams. Were the former actually true, I would be a far less responsible individual. She just never hears me worry aloud to the general public. financial plights are best emoted in private, I think. This leads me to wonder, as I have before, what dreams Jenn has for the future, and what fears hold her in thrall.
I will say this to all - if there is a true, burning, undeniable desire, follow it. The path is steep and thorny. Wrought with pain and difficulties. Yet each clearing and plataeu is so sweet, it makes the journey one worth taking.