Jun 02, 2007 11:50

Last Updated: 6/2/07
Name: The Wasteland
Genre: Horror ... ish, Supernatural, Modern, Vague Sci-Fi
Format: Livejournal, threadstyle
Contact: Mercuria -- artistformerlyknownas at gmail dot com
Minimum Age: 14
Status: Game is currently active, with no limitation on number of apps or when you can apply.

Other Requirements: We're a pretty laid-back operation, so we don't have requirements for posting frequency. However, we do like to see applicants with strong writing skills and a firm grasp of netiquette. Also it's best to have AIM for communication with other players, though it's not strictly required.

Game Description: Take one apocalypse. Liberally sprinkle with bioterror, world war, and freakish mutations resulting in a population of werewolves, vampires, and zombies. Stir well, adding in one nightclub in Chicago, somewhat pessimistically named "The Wasteland." Bake at 350 degrees, bearing in mind that the city's vampire and werewolf gangs are always looking out for the next power play.

... Oh, and don't forget flamingos.

(an original-character rpg)

genre: modern, genre: science-fiction, genre: horror, format: journal, genre: paranormal/supernatural

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