Nov 05, 2007 08:28
Live from: Columbus, GA
Yet another one nighter.... after a weekend in Memphis... before that, some more one nighters. I had six people out of the show last night--that meant that I had only Brenda and LouAnn out of the Nicest Girls. That made roll call sound like this: "I'm Amber! Brad! (awkward pause)Fender! (awkward pause) Sketch! Brenda! IQ! Louann! And I'm Link!" The best part was during the matinee when "Brenda!" and "Fender!" went on top of each other. Sexy. Our poor white girl swing has been performing the star role of Shelendammy for the last two days.
I have learned some things over the last several days.
1. After this tour, I will kick anyone who says I haven't paid my dues.
2. Reblocking the show= fun. Reblocking the show for twelve consecutive days=less fun.
3. I really am getting senile, as today was another day that my exit from the bus caused an "oh, yeah. I remember this place!"
4. I broke my rule about not buying IA shirts this weekend by purchasing a Memphis local 69 shirt. Come on, that's hilarious. Or I've been on a bus with eight boys for too damn long. (It has two kangaroos 69'ing. Come on.)
5. This time, when I started getting all mopey and frustrated about the state of my career and life, I decided to do something about it. So, one lunch hour and a generous donation to Locks of Love in the name of the 'Spray, I now have a drastically altered appearance. And nowhere to put my pencil.
I feel like this was a positive move. It was time. It needed to happen. This is a good impetus to encourage me to make the changes I've been hemming and hawing about for the last twenty years.
6. I have to stop watching so much TV on DVD and start doing actual work in my office, because now I've gotten through several seasons of House and have an inappropriate crush on Hugh Laurie.
7. I want everyone to graduate and come on tour. Because I would still fight with you, but at least I like you guys enough to get over it pretty quickly. And you guys are a lot more fun to go drinking with.
8. I am a non- hardass, naive idiot a lot of the time. This needs work.
9. A very dear friend of mine gave me this little tidbit of advice the other night while I was saying that I'm frustrated because I'm exactly where I thought I would be, but now I want something more. And this friend said "You made your dreams come true? Why don't you just shut up and be happy for a while?" I feel like that is very interesting advice. Now I have to find the line between progress for progress's sake and realizing that I'm in a pretty good place right now.
10. I will now relate a moment of hilarity from my week: Friday. Loading in. I sneak out to get my hair cut and notice that my phone is not working. I assume it's because there is no reception in the basement salon. After my haircut, it's still not working. I go back to the theatre and call customer service--they tell me I need a new sim card. I call a cab that doesn't come, so the house TD takes me to the Cingular store. I get a new sim card and go back to work. The TD hands me a list of six actors that called him when they couldn't get me. I start to call them back while I'm doing my focus. Sarah, who plays Brenda, says, "Steph? I'm so glad it's you and not your mom thinking I'm your sister." ? So, later, my mom calls and gives me all of these messages from my cast. Because, she had gone to get a new sim card in my dad's phone, but the Cingular guy assigned MY number to the new one. So my phone stopped working, and all of my calls got diverted to my father's phone, which my mother had. Amazing. Well done, Cingular. So, then, the Cingular guy sends me an email explaining the whole thing, and apologizing for the mix up, and at the end, writes, "P.S. Good luck with Hairspray," because my mom has taken it upon herself to be the HAIRSPRAY street team in Evansville, which is actually kind of sweet.
Hope everyone is having a lovely November!