Making Changes...?

Feb 29, 2008 14:48

Okay, I'm going to try to take this godforesaken Blog and start over. No new username or anything, just trying to make it more interesting, informative, etc. Not so much a journal to bitch and moan.

Since I generally hate my job and am forced to sit in front of this 23" computer screen for 9 hours a day, I usually spend my time browsing the internets and reading things. Admittedly, for the last couple of months my only dailies were pretty embarrassing -,,,,,, and

Over the last few weeks, I've also started using my time in front of this thing for slightly more productive matters - trying to sort out my credit using,,, etc. and registering for the all important websites for actors in LA:,,, and

So now that I feel I have pretty well covered my indulgence in tabloids, nerd lifestyle, and financial and career organizational sites, I'm ready to also start using the greatest research tool in the world for more personal/global matters. Now, I realize that personal-slash-global seems a little wacky. They appear to be polar opposites. However, I have always wanted to be honestly able to consider myself a contributing citizen of the world, and since graduating from college and as a pretty direct consequence, stopping any sort of community/volunteer involvement I had there, I feel like I've been slacking off. I'm sorry, World. I'll shape up.

Inspired by the website, where a really cool Canadian journalist decided to take it one day at a time for a year and each day, green her life just a little more. Some of her "greening" was simply NOT doing un-green things, like not buying a microwave. No sacrifice there -she didn't have one and she decided not to get one. In that vein, I'm going to try to green my life in a slightly slower fashion (and considering I already do a lot of her 365 things since she started from a very not-green place) and just try to do it one week at a time. Some of the things won't be possible for me given my living and working situations, but I'll definitely find a way to greenify my life by picking something each week to change.

Interesting sites to look at if the whole global warming/green living thing interests you are:

I'll let you know how it goes.
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