can we all please take a moment

Dec 14, 2007 22:21

Hello Livejournal. It's been a minute.

I found myself particularly compelled to write on here tonight about how freakin' lucky we all are. Yeah, life is a bitch and shit doesn't always go the way you'd like it to. Yeah, it's a very slow moving path to achieve your primary goals in life sometimes. But how lucky are we to even get to live in a part of the world and a time in the history of the world where we get to choose exactly what we want to pursue?! Imagine being born as few as 40 or 50 years ago when people were simply not encouraged to follow their dreams unless that dream was to have a perfect Cleaver family. Or imagine being born in a time when women were not really allowed to choose jobs or even hold them, and where all the men our age were drafted.

I have to remind myself sometimes when things are looking hopeless (due to my shitty boss, the sheer expense of living in this town, or feeling stuck with no way out) that I am also surrounded by really cool people who are making me really reluctant to think about leaving this town. That I have a really fucked up but really great family. That even if, heaven forbid, I could never act again, I am sure I could find a couple of other paths I could go down where my life would still feel fulfilling and meaningful. Now, I'm no saint. I would not give up my dreams without a fight. But I chose to pursue said "calling" knowing fully that it is an almost impossible field to succeed in and that the odds are drastically against me.

But even more than "making it" as an actor, I want to feel like a successful human being.

So I guess, if you find yourself bummin' out this time of year like I often do, just try to remember to keep it all in perspective. We're pretty damn lucky, and don't you forget it!

Love and hugs and happy holidays. Maybe I'll write you again next year.
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