I am alive, just not sure what to do.

Jan 24, 2013 20:43

I've been unemployed for a number of months now, which you would have thought would have been my incentive to update this journal.

But I haven't.

I don't want to mark this journal as dead because, well, it's not and I'm still here and all that jazz, but my focus has really shifted in terms of the things I post on the internet.  When I first started this blog, it was supposed to be for my writing and for book reviews.  Well, my book reviews idea has kind of died off (and also morphed.)  Most of my reviews can be viewed on Goodreads (here, if you're wondering what I'm up to) and my other reviews, and posts about them, are currently residing in a new home with a friend.  We've decided to collaborate on a review blog (called ReviewMeTwice and can be found here, if you're so interested in that.)

Maybe I should really get back to putting things that I've written on here.  After all, that's what it was first formed for and I haven't really held as true to that as I would have liked.  I guess the real problem is writing, which gets harder and harder these days, but maybe that's the point.  Maybe I SHOULD be writing things here, good bad or otherwise to get some feedback.

I'm not really sure where this LJ is going to end up, or if I do, inevitably, decide to give it up.  But I know I'm not ready for it to go anywhere yet.  I'm not quite ready to let it go.  So, I guess, just stick around and maybe it'll form into something interesting, into the blog that I originally meant it to be.


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