Angst! Angst! Angst! Angst!

Mar 11, 2010 00:04

I had a really fucking shitty day.

I got to work and found out that one of my coworkers is being promoted from hosting to serving. I FUCKING TRAINED THIS GIRL A MONTH AND A HALF AGO AND SHE'S MOVING UP. I'VE BEEN THERE SIX FUCKING MONTHS. Granted, the way we do promotions is you have to ask to move up, and evidently, she asked before I did, so up she goes. The great irony is that she's never available to cover our shifts and she's not being taken off the hosting schedule so I don't know how the fuck this is going to work. I don't understand; I stay late, I run food, and I get a stupid title called Islander of the Month and yet I still make shit nothing!

Anyway, that on top of the usual work bullshit left me in a really foul mood by the time six o'clock rolled around, so as soon as the closing hostess was on, I clocked the fuck out and went to school. I got some studying done but I'm still not done with my psychology reading and I have a test on it tomorrow. Woooo.

I went to ethics, and we got our tests back. I got 24/30. 24/30 is a C; 24.5/30 is a B. I MISSED A B BY HALF A POINT. HALF A POINT. I got a D on the last test and our entire grade is made up of the four tests that we have, and so far, I've gotten a D and C. Unless I kick ass on the next two tests, things might not be too hot.

Came home to find that the bullshit was continuing. Mom emailed our landlady about Anne moving in with us. Apparently, Anne is not allowed to bring her two horses, and if she goes ahead and moves in, we have to start paying rent. (We currently live here rent free, and Mom does various things like payroll for the farm employees and pool maintenance in exchange.) Why exactly anyone would pay to live in a house with all of the problems that this one has is beyond me.

To top it off, Anne came up to the house today to use my computer and our fax machine. She was all upset because I haven't made a guest account for her and Mom to use on my computer. JESUS CHRIST, I'VE ONLY BEEN AT WORK OR GOING TO THE CLASSES THAT I PAID FOR OR HELPING ZACH STUDY PSYCH OR SPENDING WHAT LITTLE FREE TIME THAT I HAVE WITH ALEX. Making a guest account has been the least of my priorities lately!

I'm sick of this house, I'm sick of my family, I'm sick of the bullshit from my job, and I'm sick of never being around my boyfriend (or having him be unenthusiastic when we DO get to see each other, but that's for another time). I hate the fact that next week is spring break, and rather than enjoy it, I'm going to be working virtually all of it. I'm scheduled this Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, and I'm technically off Sunday but I have a meeting at 9 PM. Then, I work Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Tuesday night is the John Mayer concert. Out of my entire damn break (which is longer for me because I don't have school Mondays or Fridays), I get almost three days. Three days.

The good thing is that after this week, one of my coworkers says she can take my Thursday night shifts, which will be AWESOME. I can do four day work weeks and not fail out of school.

Anyway, I have a test in about nine and a half hours, so I suppose I'll go get some sleep beforehand.

drama, college, anne, bad day, work, mom

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