Nov 09, 2009 08:40
Yes, I'm up ridiculously early today. No, I don't know why.
My new schedule for the week has been posted. I am scheduled to work Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday. Problem? I have class Monday and Wednesday when I am scheduled to be at work. I just fired a message off to Beth reminding her of this, so we'll see where that goes. Monday and Wednesday are the only times I have that class, and as useless as it is, I can't just skip out on it for the rest of the semester. Friday and Monday are training days for me so I doubt I can skip those, but Wednesday is a regular night and Zach is mysteriously off for some reason while he gets to work the night of the concert. Odds are, he won't switch with me since he's never around to take my shifts, but you never know...
I'm not being Billy. It's not that I can't do the new job because I can. It's just that I really do not feel comfortable with skipping class unless absolutely necessary.
Spring semester registration starts today. Remind me not to pick a dumb and inconvenient schedule like what I did this semester. *headdesk*
Off to the shower I go!
EDIT 8:21 PM: Apparently Beth thought I was a high schooler who could only work PM shifts. *headdesk* We got it straightened out and the schedule has been fixed. w00t!