Aug 15, 2008 14:40
After some poking and prodding, it turns out my left ovary was swollen and I have the symptoms of an ovarian cyst. My doctor told me that cysts can be hormonal and cause weird a weird period but usually go away after menstruation. However, if the pain continues after my period, we'll schedule an ultrasound.
I'm thankful to find this out, but at the same time, it really makes me think about some things.
If virtually every woman gets an ovarian cyst in her lifetime, WHY DON'T THEY TELL US THIS SHIT IN HEALTH CLASS?!
I didn't even know there was such a thing as an ovarian cyst until Taber had one that ruptured in ninth grade. After having to take ninth grade health and the wonderful unit of family life this year, I can tell you that they didn't even mention ovarian cysts, endometriosis, or PCOS. They did, however, tell us all about testicular torsion and how important it is for boys to go to the doctor if their wee-wees hurt in any way.
I mean, you know, it is definitely useful to know about pain in the balls since roughly half the humans I know are male. But the fact remains that I'm never going to sprout a pair of testes because I'm blessed with a female reproductive system, and I'd like to know the full extent of what can go on down south.
Seriously, they told us how to feel our breasts for lumps, what happens at a pap smear, and how much pregnancy SUCKS. They also told us about STDs and showed us a wonderful photographic slide show of how incredibly disgusting those things can get.
It just scares me that if we girls are having issues in the nether region, we don't have a clue as to what it could be besides menstruation unless we research it ourselves. I wish they'd teach us more.
time of the month,
ovarian cyst