Happy Ever After

Sep 03, 2011 16:29

Title: Happy Ever After
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Taylor Swift/Emma Stone
Summary & A/N: I think Taylor deserves her happy ever after. Also I just want to give a kudos to all those mom's out there. You all rock for getting us kids through some tough times. So this one's for the mom's. :]
Disclaimer: Taylor Swift and Emma Stone are obviously real people, and can not be owned. I own nothing.

  I'm in the passenger seat next to my mom who’s driving, and I suddenly feel like the thirteen year old girl who came home crying because kids at school were picking on me. But I’m not thirteen, I’m twenty one and I’m still running to my mom when things get tough.
            My gaze goes to the passing trees, the blur of cars, and the brown of the buildings as they all mesh together.
“Honey, you haven’t said a word in an hour.” I feel my eyes slip close as my head bows. Reason why I didn’t say anything was because I’m not sure how to approach it.
“I love you mom.” My voice cracks at the end, and it takes me shifting my gaze to keep from bursting into tears.
“Oh I love you to Taylor, but what is this all about?” I feel her pull the car into a drive, and when I read the passing sign, I realize she’s taken us to the park she brought me to when I was thirteen.
            I don’t talk, instead I simply wait until she has the car parked and is turning in the driver’s seat to face me.
“Taylor?” Her hand is warm against my cold shoulder, and it wasn’t until then that I realized how cold I actually was.
“Mom…you…you could never hate me could you?” I feel the tears swim to my eyes, and it’s almost as if I’m looking into a mirror when our eyes meet.
“Of course not sweetie! What would ever make me hate you?” It was the snapping point, and I was suddenly the thirteen year old girl crying in her mother’s arms again. She held me tight against her, or as tight as she could with the counsel in between us, and it feels exactly the same as it did nearly ten years ago.
“Taylor what’s wrong? What has my beautiful baby crying like this?” I squeeze my eyes shut, because even though she says she could never hate me, I can’t help but feel as if she’s going to as soon as I tell her the reason I’m here, in her arms, bawling my eyes out. So I hug her tighter and bury my face deeper into her shirt that was quickly becoming damp with my tears.
             I don’t know how long she held me there, or how long I actually cried, but it was awhile because when we pulled back we shared similar groans as our muscles relaxed from the strain the counsel caused. It was enough to make us both laugh, but when it died down, the air was serious again, and I know mom is getting more worried as each minute passes.
            I take a deep breath and take one last look at my mom, since this could very well be the last time she ever looks at me with love in her eyes.
“Mom…I’m…I think I love Emma.” If she decoded at all what I said in a rush, then she’s a true mom. But by the way her face went blank and judging by the lack of words she was speaking, either she didn’t understand, or she’s already starting to hate me.
“Mom I’m so sorry, I didn’t…I mean I never…mom I’m sorry.” I felt new tears resurface and push themselves out, but mom seemed to snap out of wherever she was and she was suddenly pulling me into her again.
“Shhh Taylor it’s ok. Loving a woman…it’s nothing to be sorry for.” I pull away from her, because that was not the reaction I was expecting.
“But…mom you…God says it’s-“
“No God doesn’t care who you love, he only cares about everyone’s happiness. And if Emma makes you happy then who are people to judge?” I wanted to say how much I loved her right now, but instead I just leaned back into her arms.
“Honey is this what has got you so worked up?” I nod against her shoulder.
“Does…does Emma love you back?” I pull away from her; because that was something I haven’t processed yet.
“Yes.” Mom’s face breaks out into a grin, but I can’t return it.
“Taylor is there more than you’re sharing?”

“Emma please…tell me what I did wrong?” The red head’s anger dissipated as soon as she made eye contact with those blue watery eyes.
“Taylor you did nothing wrong it’s….I’ve done something wrong.” She tries to turn away, to walk away, but strong pale fingers wrap around a tanned wrist.
“What have you done wrong?” Taylor barely gets the words out before she feels hot hands on her cheeks then soft warm lips press onto her own. She’s stunned, and even if she wanted to, she didn’t get to kiss back before Emma’s pulling away.
“I’ve fallen in love with you.” Then she’s suddenly turning on her heel and nearly running out the door, except this time Taylor doesn’t make a move to stop her.

“She told me she’s fallen in love with me, but I didn’t say anything back. I should’ve gone after her.” I raise a hand and push it back through overly curly hair.
“It’s not too late.” I turn to ask mom what she was talking about, but the sound of the car starting, and the feel of it moving, is all the answer I need.
            She only needed a few simple directions before she’s dropping me off outside of Emma’s apartment building.
“Good luck honey, and remember, me and your father will love you no matter what.” She tells me before she drives away, and it’s enough to get me to walk through the door and into the elevator where I push the 2 button with my thumb.
            There’s light coming out from under her door, so I know she’s home, and as I raise a hand to knock I hesitate before my fist makes contact. In that moment I ask myself, “Am I really in love with her? Or is this just a fling?” But when I think back to the times we’ve shared, I can’t think of a time where I was any happier. With a smile on my face I give her door two loud knocks. There’s a rustling sound on the other side, but I don’t have time to figure out what it is before the door is being opened, and her body is just visible through the crack she created.
“Taylor what are you doing here?” She opens the door the rest of the way and I quickly make my way in and it’s then I notice she’s in a tank top and a pair of baggy shorts. ‘She must have been getting ready for bed.’
“I’m sorry it’s late, but I just need you to know something, and no it couldn’t wait until tomorrow.” Her arms cross across her chest, and I’m more than sure I saw a flicker of hope flash in those beautiful green eyes.
“What is it?” In this moment I’ve never been more happy to have long legs, because in one step I’m directly in front of her, and in true romance fashion, I cup her cheeks in both of my warm hands and press my lips against those that never left my mind since the last time they touched.
            Her arms immediately loosened when she felt my hands on her, and when our lips connected I felt them wrap themselves around my waist. As she tilted her head to press her tongue against my lips, I felt her wrap her arms tighter around me, pulling me in closer to her, making us flush against one another, and I couldn’t help but grant her access.
            But we’re only human and when we pulled away to take a breath, she leaned her forehead against mine, and continued to hold me close to her.
“I’m glad you didn’t decide to wait.” I gave a light laugh that seemed too mix perfectly with hers.
“I’m sorry it took me this long to see what has been in front of me.” Her green eyes shown with the obvious love, and I just wondered how I couldn’t see this before.
“It’s ok cause you’re here now.” I smiled and leaned down to make those lips mine again.
“But Emma…” There was curiosity in her eyes now that made my smile grow as I gently stroked her cheek with my calloused thumb.
“I love you too.” Her smile pushed against my hand before I moved it to the back of her neck and pulled her in again where our lips met and all I could see was the sparks fly, and the chorus of angels sings in the back of my mind.
            Ok so maybe I didn’t see those things, or hear them, but I did see Emma and I cuddling on a blanket thrown out on my parent’s lawn as we watched the fireworks blasting over top of us. And although I knew Emma didn’t sing, I knew she would still be there back stage during one of my many concerts. And when I would go back there to change, we would steal a few kisses, maybe some light touching, as the sounds of the singing fans filled the background noise. It might not be perfect, but it’s my happy ever after.

fandom: real life, pairing: taylor/emma

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