A creature was stirring, but it wasn't a mouse...

Dec 02, 2008 18:06

Goodness gracious, the craziest thing happened today! I got a call from a fourth grade teacher asking if I was missing a brown rat. I ran down there to her room and, lo and behold, there was Rizzo walking around on her patio!!

Rizzo escaped from her cage on September 30th. I hadn't seen hide nor hair of her since then, and we've had two cold and rainy storms in the past couple months. I had given her up for dead... but Rizzo is just fine, if a little skinny. When I put her in the cage, she started eating immediately, but not too ravenously.

Rizzo remembered me, too. She didn't run when I went to pick her up, or try to bite me or anything. She must have some stories to tell. I just hope she didn't meet any male rats on her journey.

It's a Christmas miracle, I tell ya.

Things are good. I'm starting to feel a little less stress, now that conferences are over. I also successfully completed my forty-five minute Spanish presentation to parents. I had been so nervous about that (a presentation to adults... and not in my native language!!) but it ended up going just fine.

I went down and visited the family, which was nice. The new house is darn beautiful.

I am eagerly awaiting the verdict on Monday. That is the puppies' due date, and I don't know if I can take the wait much longer. I will cross my fingers until then...

Rogie and I got Christmas lights for the trees outside. We did not get a tree. Call me a scrooge, but I think I want to wait until the day or two after Christmas to buy one. Then I can get a really nice one for a reasonable price, and put it away until next year. Is that too bah-humbug of me? It is a sign of the economic times, though.

Have you ever been to Five Guys: Burgers and Fries? There's one in Carson (Los Angeles). Roger's online gaming friends told him about it, and it was AWESOME! It's a fast food place, but I daresay their burgers are tastier than In-N-Out's or Habit's. That's just my opinion, of course.
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