Break Time

Nov 22, 2008 17:13

Finally... I get a little break! I've been running a marathon of teaching since late August. The first twelve weeks of school are always the craziest. The last four of those, even crazier. I've pulled weekends and evenings to get the grades done. But, thankfully, the report cards have all been handed out and I had my last conference Friday afternoon, so things can quietly mellow out now.

I'm ready for a break. Roger found my Nintendo DS in the garage, so I can finally play the Sonic RPG. I'd like to do a little Christmas shopping and decorating, organize stuff in ye oldde garage and take time for some exercise.

I'd like to spend some time watching movies. This house is just too cozy to not do that now. We have four recliners and a membership to the Hollywood Video across the street. Join me for a movie marathon anytime.

I'm hoping to drag Rogie to go see that 3D dog movie tonight. For the first time in a month, there's no work for me this weekend. Tomorrow I'm going to walk out to the lawn and grab the newspaper, which I'll read in my pajamas while sipping coffee. Then I'll go for a walk around town and read a book in the afternoon. That's my nearly-perfect Sunday. The only thing that would make it perfect would be a dog to accompany me on my walk. But... that is coming! Perhaps as soon as three months from now.

I'm really happy about the new president. Not so happy about some of the propositions.

I've finally managed to pull off some tickets to the Christmas lights trolley tour in Santa Barbara. I've wanted to take that tour for years now, but this time I've secured a pair. Rogie and I are set for it on December 13th.

I'm so into Christmas. I know that that's kind of weird for an atheist, but there you have it. I start getting into the Christmas spirit early and I'm the one who is always the most fired up about decorating and watching movies for the season. I guess I just have so many great Christmas memories, and I feel like a kid again at this time.

It's starting to get cold. That means the cats must pile on me all night to keep warm, and they do. Then they get pissed at me if I have to use the restroom after we have hunkered down for the night. Cats.

Chris came up to visit and brought Jack, which was really nice. We played Mario Kart like we used to when we were kids.

Santa Barbara was darn smoky on the day of the fires. The kids had to stay indoors all day, with no recess. We were one of the few nearby schools to not get class canceled for that day. We were only a mile away from evacuation zones. I went home with a serious headache that night. But, thankfully, things are back to normal and only one of my students lost her house. I told her the story of my family losing theirs, and gave her a Webkins to restart her stuffed animal collection. I think she appreciated that.

One of my high school friends is getting married next month. Wow. She went with me and a few other dateless people to the senior prom. I can't believe it. Every time a friend gets married, it just blows my mind. I think back to our slumber parties and Pride and Prejudice movie marathons, and how those things are unlikely to happen now (not that they would have, really, but now things are permanently changed with a husband in the picture). I am very happy for her and cannot wait for the ceremony.

Not much new here, besides. I guess no news is good news.
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