Кажется, я что-то сегодня понял

Mar 23, 2012 08:38

"If Dante had always agreed with the God he imagines, it would have meant that this was a false god, merely a replica of Dante himself. However, Dante must accept this God, as he must accept that Beatrice never loved him, that Florence is vile, as he will have to accept his exile and his death in Ravenna, He must accept the evil of the world, and at the same time, he must worship a God he does not understand."
-The Divine Comedy, Jorge Luis Borges. Мне хочется высечь это в камне.

И ещё одно - иллюстрации к "Войне миров".

я не люблю литературу, гражданин города идей, собранное в пути, kunst

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