Nov 08, 2008 19:17
so i've had the worst college experience thus far last night. I spent the majority of the night in my room, as usual, since i have very little social life here. No problem with that, I watched NCIS and House which I enjoyed. I did this until about 1230. At 12ish, my roommate (the one i don't like) came in quite drunk. Since he is the one i don't like i didnt bother with him while he puked for about 1/2hr-45 minutes in the toilet, i was kind of hoping he would pass out over the toilet. This did not happen, however. After listening him puke while i lay in bed (the sound was keeping me up), he eventually came into the bedroom, at which time he decided to 1/2 pass out 1/2 puke on the ground. He would kind of sit there, roll and throw up, and then go back to sleep? I'm not really sure. However, after observing (via sound since it was dark) that he had spit up on the rug and tile, i decided i did not want to dela with the sound for the remainder of the night, in addition to the awkwardness of having a drunk person passed out on the ground. I grabbed my blanket, pillow, and cell phone (and for some weird reason my ipod even though i had no intention of using it) and proceeded to leave. I also placed my shoes in my bed (that way when i came back i would know if he slept in my bed because chances are pretty good that they'd be moved). My roommate, however, was lying in front of the door way so if i opened the door i would hit him with it. I eventually climbed over him very awkwardly because he was in a state of unconsciousness and had no desire to wake him, and went through my bathroom, and exited through my suite mates bedroom into the hallway. I then went and slept in the common room, where various passerby asked me wtf i was doing sleeping in the common room. I told them i didn't feel like dealing with my roommate puking on the floor.
I came back the next morning to find my bed deserted (which was a sigh of relief at first), but noticed that one of the shoes was on the floor, I hoped I had accidentally knocked it onto the ground while grabbing my things. My roommate was sleeping in his bed. I grabbed my laptop and went back out into the common room to do homework. I had no interaction with my roommate for a few more hours because i went out with my mom for lunch, but when i came back he was in the room. He then decided to ask me wtf happened last night and how he ended up in my bed.
My sheets are now in the wash, I found white shit on my black pillow case.
Fortunately he said he might be moving out at xmas. I'd be thrilled if he did.