Wednesday - Sat on my ass all day, watched TV. Woo hoo.
Thursday - Same thing, but later met
caducusa at this bar in cocoa, got some drinks, played some pool, twas fun. home then sleep.
Friday - Woke up, sat around a bit, then headed down to West Palm. On the way there I stopped at EB and got Katamari Damacy. Drive drive drive, got to West Palm, and played some Katamari Damacy. The game is crazy, I had never played it before but I heard a lot of good things about it so I decided to get it. It sounds dumb, you roll a ball around picking up different items that stick to the ball and the whole point is to get the ball to a certain size in a certain amount of time. Yeah, sounds lame, but I swear the game is somehow crazy fun. After that
sassy_mollassey, Marie, Greg, and I went and saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. It was pretty lame, I dunno, it was just paced terribly, the action sequences were way too short and far between, and in between them was long drawn out stuff about them growing up and dances and stuff. Oh well, I wasn't expecting much from it, it wasn't horrible, but nothing amazing, I will be buying it though because I have the others and I have an issue with collecting things. After that we headed home and watched some TV then sleep.
Saturday - Sat around a bit, then went to the mall, Jennie bought Mario Party 7, I drooled over the XBOX 360 display, then I bought a sweet Batman shirt and keychain at Hot Topic, then home and played Mario Party 7. After that was dinner with her family for her cousins birthday, we got sushi, I can't believe I actually like sushi now, just proves you shouldn't talk shit about food until you try it. It's a bit awkward getting down at first, raw fish feels weird, but it tastes quite good. We all went back to her cousins house afterwards and had cake and whatnot, then headed home and watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory then sleep.
Sunday - Woke up, watched Jennie play Mario Party 7, then headed home. Almost got in 2 accidents on the way home because people are stupid, but also I wasn't totally focused. Why, you ask? Well, as some of my closer friends know Jennie and I have been having some problems on and off for the past few months, or more so I have been having problems, basically for some reason lately it has felt like we were more better friends than bf/gf, some weeks would be great some would be not so great, I was never UNhappy, but I wasn't as happy as she was or as I should be, I'd go on each week hoping it'd get better, and sometimes it did but it would get worse again, and I just didn't feel that was fair to her, and between that and us just being at different points in our lives and few little things about not necessarily enjoying a lot of the same activities, I finally decided I should end it instead of essentially lying to her. I feel so terrible for it and the last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt her, but I think it was better I did this then to let her think all was ok and just keep from doing anything so as to not hurt her. The longer I waited the more it would've hurt her. I don't want anyone's pity, I don't deserve it, but that was easily the hardest thing I have ever done in my life, I never had to break up with anyone before, it's the worst feeling in the world to hurt someone, especially since I still care about her greatly, as I said we've felt more like good friends the past few months, so it's not like I hated her and whatnot, so that made it harder and she is definitely one of my best friends and I don't think that will ever change, I just feel so terrible about ending it, but again, it wasn't fair to her or me. Luckily she is still talking to me and doesn't hate me, I was so afraid she would and I would lose her forever. I can't imagine my life without her and the thought of losing her forever made it that much harder. But, unfortunately, it had to be done. I can't apologize to her enough, but as I said at least we're still taking, so that's good. I will admit though I broke up with her online, which is a total dick move, I know this, but I've tried to do it in person and I just couldn't, I don't hate her at all, she's a great chick, just not for me, not right now, so that made it hard looking into her eyes and trying to say anything bad, I just couldn't, I tried on the phone, same thing, the slightest hint of her sounding upset made me sick. I know online is a total dick move, but at least I could look at what I was saying before I said it and made sure nothing came out wrong. Again, I can't apologize enough, I feel terrible, but what's done is done. I called her and we talked a bit and cried a lot, then talked some more. At some point
p0sta1 and Duncan were in the area and called and came over and we hung out a bit, had some drinks, helped calm me down as I felt so terrible for hurting Jennie. Eventually they went home and I went to bed.
Today - Just been sitting around all day watching different shows and movies I DVR'd over the weekend, feeling bad. Thats about it. Jess and Duncan are headed over again to watch some movies Jess has somehow never seen (Edward Scissorhands and the Back to the Future Trilogy, so out for now.