Feb 15, 2015 17:49
Oh, I didn't go back to Wendy's. My boss at Rage fucking gave me a $2 raise as well as helping me out when I'm not on my mom's insurance anymore. So that rules I guess. I only have to do this shit for a little bit longer, it has always been a means to an end. I am going to start clinicals in August and I am so excited. I can't wait to be learning shit and be back in school.....then it will be a race to the finish!
Jake and I just had our two year anniversary! I love him so much! We have been looking at houses in Lakewood recently, trying to move out and do our thing. He wants to live closer to Cleveland, which is cool with me (I do work out there). I am pumped! I have always wanted to live in a big city. Though I really want his dads house, but I don't know when we are going to get that. Maybe that is something we can look to when we settle down more? Not that we aren't, I'm talking about when we get married.
I know he talks a lot of shit about being married, but I think he would ask me. I really do. I just know he loves me. He gave me this sick card, and wrote he loved me in it. Underlined it. I just, know. :)
My friend break up with Ashley is taking its toll on me. I just can't fucking wrap my head around what I did. I heard she is going to be head crew leader at 140th, where I used to be, and I texted her like yeah boi! She just got all shitty with me and basically ended the conversation. So apparently I'm not cool enough anymore to be friends with. So that's cool. I wish it didn't upset me as much as it does.
Whatever. Forever. Fuck these people that I give my whole heart to and then they act like I just don't fucking exist.
Fuck you too!