Жена бывшего премьер-министра, обаятельная и жизнерадостная женщина по имени Ашата, - мать троих детей. Имя средней дочки - Таня, в память о русской подруге мужа. Ашата истово выполняла распоряжения Болеро, заботясь о нас. Она специально выясняла, «что любят есть русские», узнала, что «картошку с мясом» и лично готовила нам жаркое. Она давала нам деньги на сигареты и прочие карманные расходы. Она катала нас по острову на своем автомобиле. То и дело с террасы раздавался ее звонкий голос: «Надин! Ильяс!» - это Ашата, называя меня на французский, а Илью - на арабский манер, готова была порадовать нас очередным сюрпризом. Так мы катались как сыр в масле десять дней, пока грузопассажирское судно «Шиссуани», прибывшее в Морони, не собралось отчалить на Занзибар.
Откуда взялся этот Болеро и о наших гидростопных превратностях на Коморах я напишу в следующий раз.
Talks before bedtime. Comoros observations. Women there are not children behind their backs, as in Africa, while also using drapes to cover clothing and head. In Moroni fewer than in Anjouan, women with white paste on face. And fewer are the cap. And drapes them a different type: a light, air, with complex and multi pattern, but on Anjouan usually two contrasting colors: white, combined with red, blue, black or green, and drawing simple geometric. Comoros drapes - it's just tube from a piece of cloth the size of a sheet. Lady inside tube and wrapped it around her or cover head.
... Women in the store, it turns out, do not know the figures. Can not write the price and even show on the device. It can only find a coin to the desired amount and show: now you need to pay so much. When you can not even understand each other, they call the guy on the street or from home, he writes the number.
... Morning, neighbor covers her face with paste. Having arrived in the Comoros, we were surprised-looking women here. They cover a face yellowish paste. Only contoured eyes and lips are allocated, and a person became like clown-mask. And I know that it was for such a thing. Special pieces of wood on abrasive wheels made powder, add water or oil and applied to the face. Comorian women believe that «white person» - this is beautiful. Masks and face covered with old and young women and young girls. They also love the hats - with a flounce, with flowers, with wide margins - prefer this of curtains.
... Local often umbrella attached to the head. Umbrella-hat.
... We asked Bolero, is there any local jokes. He said that it is taken to answer the question at issue. «One Belgian arrived, wondered: Is it true that you always answer the question on the question? And it: what you're looking for? And Belgian immediately flies away home. » A further explained that each of the four Comoros islands have some features in the nature of the population. For example, in Anjouan most valued money, wealth, on Grand Comore - the capital - more expensive than all the honor, on behalf of women Moheli and Mayotte in love idling and entertainment. Bolero - a native of Moheli.
... Evening on the terrasa of a whole society. Ashata invited to the house of a guy from textile shops and invited us to choose new clothes. This was clearly over. I have to laugh red trousers and top with bright strazes, making shoc. In Moscow, this is good, but I would like to get as present for the memory of the Comoros natural comorian dress-tube and wood, which makes the mask - that we just do not. Ashata puzzled and feeling a little frustrated. Then she bought a bracelet with violet stones and handed me.
The wife of former Prime Minister, the charming and cheerful woman named Ashata - a mother of three children. Name average daughters - Tanya, in memory of her husband's Russian girlfriend. Ashata taking care of us. She specifically asked Bolero, «what Russians like to eat », to learn that «potatoes with meat» and personally prepared us hot. She gave us the money for cigarettes and other incidental expenses. She made a trip around the island in her car. That and the case was given to the terrace of her sonorous voice: «Nadine! Ilyas! »- This Ashata, calling me at the French, and Ilya - Arabic style, was ready to surprise us yet another surprise. So we were like cheese in oil for ten days, until the cargo ship «Shisswani», arrived in Moroni, not gathered at Zanzibar.
Where this has taken the Bolero and of our hydrostop' collisions in the Comoros, I'll write next time.
Коморские дамы городские и деревенские, Ашата с сыном Фейсалом, свадьбы, местные ткани, шляпки, "маски" и тд.