(no subject)

May 19, 2004 21:10

Ok so I don't update ever, I'm sorry. Basicially, Ive been working my ass off and getting drunk alot....yeah that about sums up my summer so far :) But I'm bored and found this survey and felt like doin it..... have a good weekend everyone :)

Name: Jennifer Lynn Bellis
Birthday: June 6, 1984
Sign: Gemini
Siblings: My lil bro Nathan, hes 16
Hair color: dirty blonde
Eye color: Greyish blueish green
Height: 5'6

· R E L A T I O N S H I P S ·
Who are your best friends?: Steph, she wins cuz I've known her since before I could walk. Samantha cuz shes my girlfriend, Stacy cuz she's my twin and Emily cuz shes my other half. Jason cuz hes gonna marry me one day cuz he's the only guy that can put up with me lol Scotty cuz hes the sweetest kid ever, Shahein jus cuz I'll love that kid forever, Pat cuz I know I can tell him anything, Brandon cuz hes my favoritest wendys buddy and ummmm yeah I just know a lot of people lol

· F A S H I O N | S T U F F ·
Where is your favorite place to shop: PacSun, Hollister
Any tattoos or piercings: both, 3 tats and piercings all over, you guys know how I am lol

· S P E C I F I C S ·
Do you do drugs?: I have, havent done anythin recently tho
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Sheer Blonde
What are you most scared of?: spiders
What are you listening to right now?: Watchin Seinfeld
Who is the last person that called you?: Shahein
Where do you want to get married?: In a Church or outside

· F A V O R I T E S ·
Color: pink and black
Food: anything with chicken or pasta...oh and mongolian bbq...my god I'd live there if someone let me
Boys names: Caleb
Girls names: Emma, Alexis, Madison
Subjects in school: anything Art
Animals: kittens and praire dogs. yeah im a weirdo, shut the fuck up

· H A V E | Y O U | E V E R ·
Given anyone a bath?: when I used to babysit, yeah
Smoked?: yeah
Bungee jumped?: nope, I wanna skydive tho!
Made yourself throw up?: when I was drunk once cuz I felt like shit, thats all tho
Skinny dipped?: oh yeahhh
Ever been in love?: yeah, three times...
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: yeah, it works with the rents sometimes lol
Pictured your crush naked?: sure :) i like naked boys lol
Actually seen your crush naked?: ;)
Cried when someone died?: of course
Lied: who hasnt?
Fallen for your best friend?: yup....
Been rejected?: um..... yeah i guess. not to sound conceited but i cant remember the last time it happened lol
Done something you regret?: of course, but I live and learn and have no regrets

· C U R R E N T ·
Clothes: PJs cuz I jus got home and out of my work clothes
Make-up: black eyeliner, I don't leave the house without it on
Annoyance: hmmm...right now, anything having to do with work since i fucking live there and some of the people i work with....suck ass.
desktop picture: a collage of pics from the last couple weeks, now that i look at it...im only sober in one of the pictures.....damn i'm an alcoholic lol
Book you're reading: Um... Jenni dosen't read books lol
CD in player: a mixed CD in my car, and Brand New in my bathroom CD player
DVD in player: I dont own DVD's, I just illegially DL them off the Net lol bad jenni

· L A S T | P E R S O N ·
You touched: Brandon when he gave me a hug goodbye at work
Hugged: see above lol
You imed: Scotty
You yelled at: Hmmm..... probably this RETARD I work with Andrea yesterday at work. I then continued to ask my manager if I "accidentally" threw the metal fry scooper at her head, would I get fired....lol

· A R E | Y O U ·
Understanding: I really try to be, but some people are fuckheads.
Open-minded: yes, very.
Arrogant: i hope not
Insecure: yes, fuckin CStore at school kicked my ass this year *tear*
Random: extremely
Hungry: nope, just had Arbys :)
Hard working: When I'm at work, yes, school is a diff story lol
Shy: nah, on occassion but hardly ever
Difficult: probably lol
Attractive: I've been told so, I don't see it but whatever lol
Bored easily: Yes, I'm constantly bored. Maybe that whole no-drivers-license thing has somethin to do with it
Responsible: Eh, I got a drunk driving ticket..... take a stab at this one
Obsessed: no, except for I have this insane fuckin obsession with checking my alarm 849328492 times before I go to bed....ask Jay, he knows all about it
Angry: sometimes, but hardly ever will you catch me really mad
Sad: Nah. I'm pretty happy with things right now
Happy: yehhh
Hyper: When it happens, watch out
Trusting: Yeah, I trust people way too much sometimes when they dont deserve and it ends up kicking my ass in the end

- W H O | D O | Y O U | W A N N A ·
Kill?: no one. Seriousley injure? the retard Andrea chick at my work. SHe asked me where the Jr Bacon key was on the register. Please understand that shes worked there for about a month and the ONLY position she knows is register. Oh, and we sell more Jr Bacons then any other sandwich we sell. YOU STUPID BITCH YOU HAVE TO HIT THAT FUCKING KEY 84938920 TIMES A DAY WHY ARE YOU ASKING ME!?!?!? *k dont venting lol*
Slap: randon customers that come thru drive thru and are assholes
Get really wasted with: anyone, i love beer :) lol
Talk to offline: anyone, I'm bored as fuck
Talk to online: once again....anyone
Sex it up with: For me to know and you to dream about ;) lol

· R A N D O M ·
In the morning I am: out of it like whoa until i eat something
All you need is: love and attention
Love is: an uncontrollable, unexplainable feeling that most dream about and few find. I've been there, its amazing but hurts more then anything when it leaves you.
I dream about: being happy forever
Sexual preference: Men men men....mmmmm penis LOL anyways... yeah I like guys :) So I make out with chicks sometimes when I'm drunk, I still love men :)
What do you notice first in the sex you're into: how they smell, smile and eyes

· W H I C H | I S | B E T T E R ·
Coke or Pepsi: Coke, diet preferably
Flowers or candy: Flowers
Tall or short: Taller then me and we're good

· W H O ·
Makes you laugh the most: hmmmmmmm. Stacy, she always has had a way to make me laugh til my stomach hurts
Makes you smile: All my friends, I love you guys.

· D O | Y O U | E V E R ·
Sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone special to im you?: No, I sit on the Net all nite long cuz I'm bored as fuck lol
Save conversations: they save automaticially cuz I have DeadAIM
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex : Yeha, sometimes. Being a guy would be cool sometimes, but I can't lie, i LOVE bein a girl, periods and all lol
Wish you were younger: more then anything
Cry because someone said something to you?: oh yeah, definitely. not recently, but yes

· N U M B E R ·
Of times I have had my heart broken: Hmmmm.... one big one.
Of CD's I own: a bunch
Of scars on my body: not very many, random burns from work but thats bout it

· Y O U R | T H O U G H T S ·
I know: That where I'm at in my life is awesome.... I've learned to not NEED a boyfriend to be happy, and thats a huge thing for me.
I want: to be out of debt and to have my fucking license back
I have: way too much clothes (thats random but i read that question, looked around and all i see is clothes that are still to be unpacked lol)
I wish: I could make everyone happy
I hate: liars, fake people
I fear: never finding mister right
I hear: Seinfeld

K boredom is done..... bye everyone :)
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