Apr 28, 2004 04:56
So yeah, its almost 5am and I'm awake.
Big fuckin suprise eh? haha
So today is Emily's 19th birthday...so above all, Happy Birthday to one of the most amazing friends I've ever had. It's only been a few months that we've been close, but I feel like I've known you forever. I can't imagine what my year here would have been like without knowing you. Thank you for everything, I love you...
ok, done with that mushy-ness lol
So it's finals week. Grrr. Yesterday me and the girls studied ALL day for History...made notecards like whoa and thought we'd be good to go. We get into the final today and get the test and all kind of look at each other with this WHAT THE FUCK look on our faces. NOTHING that was on our study guide was on this test. So I will be happy if I pass it, which I'm doubting at this point. Art History is up for grabs right now...and I have my bio final tomorrow which I just spent the last 2 hours hardcore studying for, along with random studying all day. Hopefully that will go okay....then I have my Comm final on Thurs, which will suck cuz it's cumulative and I don't remember the shit that was on our first and second tests...so grr to that. But it's not til 7 at nite, so me and Jay are gonna study together....
Grrr to school. I hated this place when I got here and now I don't wanna leave. And since my grades seem to be SUCKING I might not be able to come back next year which will rip me apart. I can't imagine not moving into the Village with Em next fall, not dying my hair 8493 colors in a 2 week span, not having sleepovers at Jason's, not going to parties and seeing the same damn kids but growing to love it...grrr if I don't get to come back I'm gonna cry :( Everyone pray for me that somehow my finals will turn out awesome and the rents will let me come back.... grrr today has sucked :-/
He has a girlfriend now. I thought it would bother me alot more then it does. I guess it's cause we never talk anymore and we aren't close at all like we used to be. I feel like I hardly know him anymore, which sucks but there's nothing I can do about it. When he told me, my initial reaction was that it was gonna hurt...but it kinda didn't. And I'm amazed, but extremely releived. Deep down I still miss him, the old him...the old us. But now everythings so different and honestly, as much as it hurts to say...I can't see things ever going back to the way they were before. He seems to be busy with his own life and I'm busy with mine. I make the effort to talk to him and just to see how he's doing, but he's too busy for even that. O well I guess, what's meant to happen does right? And he seems happy...so there's nothing more I can ask for.
Summer is gonna be rough....my court date is May 11, which is when my restricted license will start I think. Lawyer said I will be able to drive to school and work ONLY for about 90 days...aka my entire summer. So visiting all the people I wanna visit is gonna be rough. Samantha is living at State for the whole damn summer...that sucks more then anything. When she told me I almost started crying...yeah I'm a baby shut up lol. I'm not as close with all my home friends anymore and it just won't be the same. I need to find out the bus routes to Sterling Heights so I can see my Emmy, ketchup and Ott :) And I'll make Sammy drive home a ton to see me, if I whine enough maybe it will work ;) And Jason better drive his ass down here cuz I'll definitely go insane if I go another summer without seeing my favorite boy!
Sigh. I'm rambling, I know. That's what happens after multiple MiniThins and staring at a Biology book for hours on end. I guess I need to tell myself things will work themselves out the way they're intended to work out. Maybe college isn't for me at this point in my life. Worst case senerio...I'll have to live at home for a year and work a ton. Which wouldnt be horrible since my rents kick ass and I'd be making a shitload of money, which means no more stressing about credit card payments and living paycheck to paycheck...maybe I'd actually HAVE a bank account. And work loves me enough to let me have days off on the weekends to go visit my friends. So I guess being completely negative, that is what will happen. We shall see I guess....
The next 2 weekends are gonna kick ass. I forget if I wrote about them in my last post and I'm too lazy to open up another browser window to check lol. This Friday I'm going with Em and her bro to some concert, then gettin drunk...then Saturday its Canada with Em for her Bday! But earlier in the day while she's at work, me and my favorite insomniac are hanging out :) yay for that, don't know what we're doin yet but it should be fun. Then next Friday is PCEP Senior Prom with Corey and then Saturday is Scotty's big party in the Heights...he's even workin on gettin a table for me and Em to dance on....Scotty loves us bout as much as we love him ;)
Well it's time to play Snood, make up Emily's Bday present that me and Maria made a secret Meijer trip at 230am to get (by the time Emily sees this she'll already have seen the present...mwahaha we're sneaky lol) and maybe sleep for an hour or so before getting up to review before the test. Then I will DEFINITELY be sleeping all day until I get up to get all pretty to go out to dinner for Em's birthday :)
Sorry this is so god-awfully long....but for my buddies who are obsessed with reading LJs as I am *coughcoughMARIAcough* they will be excited for a long post to keep them entertained for a bit :)