Something to cheer about: I finally finished my first X-Files vid! Woohoo!!!
Something to jeer about: Back to work tomorrow. (It wouldn't be so bad if I could just go to my office; instead, I'll be subjected to at least half a day of meetings and administrative pep talks first. Bah humbug!)
But back to the good stuff: my vid! While far from a masterpiece, I am pleased with how it has turned out. It makes me smile, and I hope it will have the same effect on other shippers. So here it is...
Fandom: The X-Files, Scully/Mulder
Song/Artist: Make Someone Happy, Jimmy Durante
Warnings: None
Category: Romance/Fluff
Summary: Making someone else happy is one of life's most rewarding feelings; for Mulder, that special someone is Scully.