Anyone remember that skit from All That? Gah, used to be such a good show with Lori Beth and Kenan . . . and now it's all lame and bad . . .
anyways, just in case you wish to learn from my mistakes . . .
-It's a lot easier to sew clothing when it's not on your body
-Don't pass when the yellow line's on your side of the road and you're going over a hill
-When purchasing a bikini wax design kit, always go to the young lady clerk, not the old guy who gives you dirty looks
-Think you're masochistic? Wax. I gurantee you'll reconsider
-If you don't know the words to a song, just scream for the band anyways
-Hiding your alcohol under a table + drinking too much of the alcohol under the table + observant parents = one damn good recipe for disaster
-Be careful when you headbang, as nechaches are sure to ensue
-Cheese fries are not the best way to make your breath smell good
-Kissing when both parties are wearing glasses is a bit awkward
-Yes, people are watching you kiss
-Make sure that you actually wake up with your phone alarm
-Blegh. I'm tired and finished now.
Anyways, it was a fun weekend.
And I'm really really excited about next weekend. Prom is going to be a great deal of fun, assuming my dress finishes in time. I'm sure it'll look really great, as I've got a nice seamstress fixing my messups.
And Breakfast on Pluto comes out on Tuesday. I may get it as soon as Friday! Yeet!
p.s. I should go back to my English project, but Damien's making me very sad. He's my character in a story for my project, and his life's about to get really really shitty. I wish it weren't.