Angelus/Ruby - Bringing in the Big Guns

Feb 12, 2011 00:41

Fandom: Buffyverse/Supernatural
Title: Bringing the Big Guns
Author: iluvroadrunner6
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Angelus/Ruby
xoverland Challenge: Love State
Content Warning: N/A
Summary: In which Ruby goes poking at an old friend.
Author’s Note: … Don’t even ask.
Disclaimer: I don’t own. They belong to Whedon and Kripke. I’m just borrowing and will put everything back where I found it.

“Hiya, Angel.”

The body she was in now was far different from the one he had last seen her in, but she knew that he knew it was her. He could always sniff her out, no matter what body she was in. He looked up from the cage she trapped him in, eyes narrowed as he watched her. He knew she was dangerous. He wasn’t stupid-well, not in that way.

“What are you doing here, Ruby?”

“I need to borrow your alter ego,” she said as she stopped in front of him. “Clark Kent needs to take a vacation and let Bizarro out to play.”

“You’re aware that you completely botched that reference, right? I’m not up on pop culture and even I know that.”

“Whatever,” she rolled her eyes. “I need the big guns. Not the one who likes puppies and rainbows.”

Angel raised an eyebrow at her, all cocky and arrogant and Ruby wanted that look on his face, but she wanted it with less of heart behind it. She needed the demon-not the man. There wasn’t room for both. “It’s not like it’s something I can just throw away, Ruby. I was cursed, remember?”

“I remember. And you’d be surprised what brand new shiny tricks I’ve learned.” She smirked, before stepping back from the spell she was concocting. The Latin started to flow off her lips like a practiced nursery rhyme, and she relished the pain Angel seemed like he was going through as she packed away his soul, folded it up like it was a piece of paper and tucked it away for safe keeping. The moment it was over, she waited for Angelus to come back into the forefront, and when he did she wasn’t disappointed.

“Ruby-I think you might be my new best friend.”

“And I wasn’t already?” she asked as she strode towards the cage to let him out. “I’m hurt.”

“Yeah, well, I’m hungry.” He licked his lips as he eyed the line of her neck. “How about a snack to take the edge off before I tear through Angel’s friends?”

She smirked, brushing her hair off her shoulder, before offering her neck to him. “Angelus, I thought you’d never ask.”

crossover}: ship ~ angelus/ruby, prompts}: xoverland, fandom}: supernatural, supernatural}: ruby, buffyverse}: angel, fandom}: angel the series, fandom}: buffy the vampire slayer

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