May 09, 2006 19:12
today was cool until now. I feel really sick and parents are starting to concern me. This has been happening a lot lately. like every few days. we think i might have a stomach disorder my dad has or maybe some kind of colon thing. either way its not good. it makes me really sick. last week i was driving and i nearly had to pull over cuz i was getting horrible sharp pains in my stomach. i nearly crashed the car.
anyways i just got my grades back. not so happy. i thought i'd do better in chem. i got a D. that really sucks. i got a B in aerospace. i thought i might get an A in that but he would never help me with the alst few homeworks so i never turnd them in so im not surprised there. physics lab was a C. my GPA was like a 1.7. it brought my cumulalive down to 2.68. that saddens me. man i feel like crap...