Jan 20, 2005 21:24
If the mood indicator gave me the option, I would have picked "crappy ass" right now. I find Furman to be extremely frustrating...from the hard classes I'm in that are raping me right now to the fakeness of people here. the whole "one day we're friends but the next i'll pretend you don't exist" crap is selfish and arrogant. you're not the center of the universe. I AM! (jk on the "i am"...im not that bad)
Anyway, sorry bout the rant. You know what's gross??? SMOKING! that is the nastiest thing I can imagine. Just the smell is enough to make me want to vomit. Vomit is a great word. It sounds just as disgusting as it is. Ok so I was walking to class the other day and this kid was just smokin like a chimney...i mean he was doin some serious blackening of the lungs and staining of the teeth. while the incredible stench of him was extremely attractive and his hacking cough was a major turn on, something about the scene made me ill. his girlfriend ran out of Johns Hall and just started making out with him. ewww! it'd be like licking an ashtray.
allison and i went to waffle house for dinner. yum. but these gross redneck hick parents were sittin there, smokin a pack of cigarettes each, and blowin the nasty stuff in their children's faces! that was some of the best parenting i've ever seen. i hope you can sense my sarcasm as i was completely repulsed by the whole situation.
to sum up, if you ever smoke, i'll kill you. if you date someone who smokes, i hope you still find them attractive when their teeth turn black and they're on a respirator because they destroyed their lungs.