just read the funniest thing

Aug 09, 2001 23:20

sorry i'm a little late on this one, but i just read the asshole's...i mean josh's comment on matt's journal and was very amused. i must have missed something, but when did josh suddenly become superior to me?? that would happen...about never. and not only is he better that me, but he's also better than a lot of my very good friends which is news to all of them. you are acting like an immature prick who really needs to get a life and stay the fuck out of mine!! seriously, get a hobbie!!!! don't worry about who my friends are and especially don't talk shit about them and expect to not get a reaction. that's just plain stupid. these girls have never done anything to you...you don't even know them for christ's sake. when i read your comments, i just have to laugh at your stupidity...i can't even really get mad or upset about them most of the time because i feel so embarrassed for you and it's just so funny. oh, and the little jason comment you threw in there...well, jason happens to be a very good friend of mine and you've known that for a while so i don't know where the huge problem came from(not that i would care about your opinion anyway..)and as i seem to recall you two used to be pretty good friends yourselves so get the fuck off your high horse and quit judging people because you have no right or reason to. on to something actually worth my time, i'm going to now do something that is suppossed to be done in a journal...i'm going to write about my life. and here's a warning, if you don't like me or don't care about my life, read no further.(one would think that it wouldn't be so hard to figure that out, but you'd be surprised...) last night me, ashley, lindsay, and margaret went up to amy's house. then we went to the fireside(oh no! i wrote about the dirty icky fireside) where a good time was had by all. i danced with jesse for a while which was probably stupid of me, but i couldn't help myself...it was fun anyway, even though i know that no good will come of it. then we went to a party for like 5 minutes but we left cause it was way boring and linds had practice in the morning. so me, ashley, and margaret all went back to amy's where she cooked us angel hair pasta...that was way yummy. then we went to sleep. this morning, ashley and i stopped at amanda's on the way home to see if she was feeling better(she's been really sick), to drop some stuff off, and to pick up my bathing suit, but we ended up just staying there. we went out to lunch at arby's where i saw john, des, and vanessa lisefski and we said hi to all of them. i saw des at the fireside last night too...she's a nice girl, we like her. so after arby's, we went back to amanda's and lazed around in the pool for a couple hours. then i had to go to work which always sucks, although it hasn't been sucking as much lately because everyone's been way nice to me. then i came home and did nothing. yesterday was krystal's first day back at school....go krystal...she's a junior now...all grown up and all...hehe. i love you sweetie and miss you lots!!!!! you're the one person who has truly been through everything with me(since we were babies) and has stood by me. you're my best friend in the whole world and always will be. that was my little sentimental moment of the evening. i have to work again tomorrow for a way long and boring time. in conclusion(mrs. gary) *poof*you've all been demoted to the college/high school of haverling:school for the socially retarded! you know who you are and you know who you aren't. gosh it's been a great week. talk to y'all later!
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