Aug 09, 2001 03:18
that's all i wanted to say...just seriously, everyone who thinks they're trying to be 'worried' about me when all they're actually doing is wasting their time and using it as an excuse to talk about someone...just stop it cause you're not doing anyone any good. if my 'friends' are gonna treat me like that, then you're not who i thought you were. i love you all to death, but if you think for one second that it's ok to say some of the things that you have said about me, then you have another thing coming. no one has ever been allowed to treat me like that and if you think you can start now because you're 'concerned', you're severely WRONG!!! i'm not going to put up with the bullshit anymore...i'm surprised i have for so long actually. i've reached my goal of 35 comments to the previous entry, so you can stop worrying about that one now and there need be no more comments, unless you really feel a major need. just please, stop with the 'worry' because i am having a really great summer and i'm not hurting anyone so just leave it alone. i'm just sorry that not all of my friends have been a part of it, but don't try to blame it all on me for one fucking second. you all say that you were afraid that i was gonna turn it around like it was all your fault, but how can you sit there and say that it wasn't your fault?? i wasn't mad at you yet you did the same to me that i did to no, it wasn't all my fault. and i never ever overreacted...anyone in their right mind would have reacted the same exact way i did if they found out that a lot of their good friends had a problem with them all summer but never decided to mention it till august. and when they did mention it, they decided that they were worried about you...if you were all so damn worried, doesn't it seem like you would have mentioned it a bit sooner??? maybe it's just me, but if i was as concerned about a friend as you all say you were, i would have said something to the friend instead of just talking about it to other people. oh well, you guys do what you want, just leave me out of it if you don't have anything nice, polite, or respectful to say because i have ALWAYS demanded respect from people(that's why some people thought i got a bit bitchy sometimes) and i still demand the same respect.