[HSJ FanFic] Genius meets Idiot [[ part 2 ]]

Jul 18, 2011 10:45


"i dont know why i'm here...i cant read books!" Yamada complained

"people are treating you like an idiot because you cant read a book" Chinen smiled and handed him an inch thick book

"excuse me!! i do read books!" he slam his hands on the table...gaining everyone's attention in the library.

"shhh!! ok then, what is the last book you read?" Chinen shush him down because he doesn't want to get in trouble by the librarian....if you know what she looks like....you dont wanna get in trouble in the library....seriously.

"i--i read Shugo Chara! it was really good!! Amu's charas turned back into an egg!! so sad....poor Amu-chan!!" Yamada cried gaining more attention

"i cant believe it!" he bang his head on the table....

"i know! i cant believe i read books either!"

"no! that's not what i mean!! i cant believe you read shoujo mangas!!!" Chinen kept on banging his head

"err--- psssh! its not like i'm an otaku or something!! i'm not the character in the fanfic 'my crazy otaku' from Makino-chan's previous fanfic!!"

"what are you talking about?" Chinen looked at him weirdly.

"lets go!! if i stay in this place....i might lose more brain cells!" Yamada stood up

"you dont have any brain cell to lose..." he mumbled

"did you say something?"

"nothing..." he fake smile but deep inside, "this kid is seriously stupid!"


"Yui-sama!!!" Mirai run towards Yui who was reading her 2nd book for the day.

"yes?" she look up at her

"w-would you like to e-eat lunch w-with me?" Mirai was breathing so hard....not because she run...its because she's too nervous.

"sure..." Yui smiled and followed her

+at the cafeteria+

"Yui-sama what would you like to eat? its my treat!" Mirai smiled

"no its ok...i will treat you..."

"no no! i must treat Yui-sama since i'm the one who invited you!! please let me treat you!" Mirai insisted

"ok then, i want a melon pan"

"only that? how about yakisoba bread? or anything! a juice? soda? tell me what Yui-sama wants and i will buy it!!"

"err----a water....only that....i'm on a diet right now..." Yui pat Mirai's head which made her blush so hard

"hai!! melon pa---" Mirai grab the melon pan but Yamada also was about to grab it.

the archenemy are holding onto the last melon pan.

Yamada hissed and so did Mirai.

"this is mine!!" Yamada grip onto the melon pan

"no!! i grab it first!!" Mirai did the same thing.

"dont you have a new drama coming up next month? i heard your playing a role of model, oh or should i say a short model? dont you need to go on a diet? now let go of my melon pan~" Yamada made her so mad....

"speak for yourself Shorty McShort Short!! dont you need to go on a diet since you are going to have a 'nude' photoshoot nxt week? i'm sure you dont want to show those fats of yours....now let go of Yui-sama's melon pan~ shorty! or should i say....Tiny?" Mirai laugh so evilly as she pull the melon pan but Yamada wont let go of it.

"give it up model-wannabe! this is my pan!"

"shut up!! at least i'm taller than you!! idol-wannabe!" Mirai counterback

"oh no please tell me you didnt just said that!" Yamada gritted his teeth

"oh yeah! i just did!" Mirai's round eye grew bigger and continued on mocking Yamada.

"why you little----" Yamada was about to hit Mirai but Yui grab his hands

"didn't you mother teach you that you shouldn't hit a girl?" Yui was getting mad now. she doesn't like it when a male hurt a female.

"what are you trying to say?" Yamada let go of the melon pan...err---that is not a melon pan anymore.

"Mirai, are you ok?"

"i'm fine...but the melon pan...." Mirai was about to cry but Yui pat her head

"we can just buy one after school....ok? dont cry....your cuteness will be wasted if you cry..."


"lets go?" Yui grab Mirai's hand and was about to leave but Yamada block her way

"....." Yamada was still mad....for some reason....his mad at her.

"get out of our way...." Yui said calmly.

"i hate you..." Yamada said fiercely.

"i know....but i dont hate you....your too cute...." Yui smiled and left with Mirai

Yamada froze.

did she just said his cute?!

"Yama-chan? are you ok?" Chinen poke Yamada's chubby cheeks.

"no...i'm not ok..." he still haven't recovered from the "i dont hate you....your too cute" words of Yui.

"....." Chinen back away a little because now Yamada is smiling like crazy.

"i dont hate you....your too cute can be means as i love you....your so cute..." Yamada is skipping in the hall

"i think i have a bad feeling about this..." Chinen gulp

[to be continue....]

[hsj fanfic] genius meets idiot, :::yamada's fanfic:::

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