erenriel tagged me for a meme where one is supposed to post for eight days in a row and each day write out something that happened that makes you happy. Sooo... here we go.
Day 1
There were a couple of things that made me happy today.
Right now, for instance, I'm eating a bowl of vanilla ice cream smothered in chocolate and caramel sauce. That's pretty good no matter what day it is.
I finally came up with a good introduction for my Existentialism essay (woot?), and I double-checked the one exam I have to go in to write and found out that it's on Thursday morning, not Wednesday as I had thought. So that's nice, I have an extra day to study, I guess.
And I took a nap all cuddled up with the ginormous teddy bear that Cole presented me with when I ran into her yesterday as I was leaving the apartment to go to my flute jury. It's about the size of a small child and very, very soft and I love it <333333. It serves its purpose as a reusable hug well. I need to name it, I think, since it has such presence (it sits in my desk chair quite nicely) but I don't know what to call it.
EDIT: Just got an email from my dad; it sounds like they're going to be able to help Grandma. <=D They're hoping they'll only have to amputate a toe, but once that's done with and they've got her lungs sorted out, she should be all right. So we're all hoping too! She'll probably have to move into a seniors' centre when she gets out, but honestly, it's about bloody time because she'll be healthier for it. Her house is probably as old as she is and it's falling apart around her and growing mold from every corner.