01 ▮ day ▮ voice

Oct 06, 2011 13:44

[Deep breaths, Lou, deep breaths. He's still practicing this exercise about a split second before the recording begins, shifting his focus to it immediately, superficially ready to laugh and quip at this silly challenge someone has proposed (forced) him to take part in.

It's nothing but pure nerves, he assures you.]

This is... definitely the most fucked up dream I've ever had.

[There's an exhale, not quite a laugh. See? Nothing but nerves.]

I guess I'm supposed to say hi now.

Hi. I'm the new guy.

... I think I lost my cat.

( ooc: which Mr consultmybooks will be finding! Have fun with that thing. )

christine morreaux: original character, kelly bridge: original character, *lewis puckett: original character, rupert giles: buffy the vampire slayer, oerba dia vanille: final fantasy xiii, fenrir: norse mythology

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