une - voice - day

Oct 05, 2011 21:29

[Oh dearest Promenade, a new guest has entered your city walls and my is she ever so eager to speak at to you, and greet you as a friend! She is already fascinated by you, all of you, and here is dreamy voice chattering,]

Oh fair city, you make my heart buzz and my soul patter. So many secrets hidden away in your glass frames and mortar pedestals. Come now, I can see it in your teeth, you have so much to tell me, and I want to hear it all.

Who are the secret people and who bear the crosses, the mythical evils that were planted beneath the earth to blossom in crucifixion and bear fruits of fear. I have a better use for that wood, you know, I do.

[She pauses for a moment, listening to something no one else hears, and answering it just as carelessly.]

Papa, do hush. That was a perfectly good description of the world as I see it-- No, I am not satisfied, don't be ridiculous! Conversation is not an on-going project which one can continue on indefinitely, I'll never get anywhere fussing over the same thing for eternity.

[She sighs dramatically.]

Well, I digress, I suppose I always do, there is no sense in staying on course besides, all the most beautiful sights are to be found where no one is looking. [She slides seamlessly into a new subject,] Where is the graveyard? Where do you keep your dead? I hear things whispering, and I wish to see their faces.

[[ooc; OH YEAH. Come do her permissions if you please!]]

neku sakuraba: the world ends with you, sephiroth: final fantasy vii, rupert giles: buffy the vampire slayer, vriska serket: homestuck, *christine morreaux: original character, merlin: camelot

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