Lucy Stillman ❖ 001 [Video]

Sep 02, 2011 17:13

[The video feed starts with the Portal of who's ever on being dropped on the floor of a bedroom. The view then settles on a blond young woman, her face conveying her panic and pain as she looks down at her heavily blood stained shirt. The blood seems fresh enough to transfer to her hands, but she lifts up the fabric to reveal the creamy skin of ( Read more... )

raven darkholme: x-men first class, krypta notte: original character, desmond miles: assassin's creed, sean cassidy: x-men first class, *lucy stillman: assassin's creed, harry dresden: the dresden files, rebecca crane: assassin's creed

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video; assassininheels September 3 2011, 04:01:13 UTC
[Lucy is finally looking at her mirror when Desmond's call comes in. To see all of her blood on the floor of the hurts. But what worries her most, even before her own well being, is the fact that Desmond is passed out beside her. Nothing seems to make sense. Why would he pass out after stabbing? Why did he looked so...sad and scared before he did?

The blond's musings are interrupted by the soft call of her name and her heart stops for a moment, because that voice she will never forget. She picks up of PORTAL, careful not to let the view catch the sight of her stained shirt and she gives a small smile to Desmond. Last they talked, in this world, he didn't remember stabbing her. She doesn't need to tell him, not now, not when she still needs to wrap her head around this.]'re still here.


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voice; assassininheels September 3 2011, 18:15:31 UTC
[When the image disappears, Lucy frowns. She's seen his failed attempt at smiling back at her and something gnaws at her. Did something happen here for Desmond to avoid her? Now that he can't see her, she lifts up the mask from her face and her gaze raises back up to her mirror before she closes her eyes. Trying as hard as she can to focus on his voice, Lucy tries not to let herself get caught up in the maelstrom of emotions that swirls and veers inside her stomach. The Assassin can't help but pray that Rebecca is still here, even though the technician would do better good in their world. But what she'd give to be told that had all been a nightmare.]

That is strange indeed. How long have you been back?

[She clears her throat lightly as the novice asks her how she feels. It's a good thing he can't see her, because she's covering her eyes with one hand, willing her voice to sound as strong as normal as she can.]

I'm fine. I'm just...frazzled at being back here I guess. This place is not what I expected to wake up to.

[She ( ... )


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voice; assassininheels September 4 2011, 03:25:35 UTC
So you're just about done settling in?

[She hears the heavy sigh and because she can't see him, Lucy puts it on the account that he probably is tired and annoyed at her always asking about his well being. But it's a second nature for her, and not only to Desmond.]

Please tell me your accent is better than it used to be in the Sanctuary.

[Yes, she's referring to that time you spoke to the statue, Desmond. Her tone is teasing lightly and it's because she can't help herself from hanging on to lighter moments spent with her team. As if the warmth and light of their memories would make her stabbing fade away.

There's an obvious sigh of relief when Desmond mentions Rebecca]

Becca is still here? And yes, we should meet. Regroup and all. I'm sure a lot of things happened while I was gone. I certainly need to be brought up to date.

[Work. Another thing she can hang on to in order to stay sane and focused.]


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voice; assassininheels September 4 2011, 04:21:22 UTC
[It feels safer for her to simply push away all that she feels about Desmond, about what he did to her in the Temple, especially that he doesn't know about it, or so Lucy thinks.]

Good, perhaps you can teach me then.

Yes, back to work, Desmond. Although for you, it's back to training. I hope you enjoyed your first month here, because come tomorrow morning, we're running at dawn again. [It's probably a good thing that her can't see her face right now: she might have been smirking a bit dangerously here.]

When and where do you want to meet?

[Part of her wants to say right here and right now, but she lets the novice choose. She needs to change from her bloodied clothes first anyway.]


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voice; -> action; assassininheels September 5 2011, 22:37:46 UTC
I'm glad she still has her dog here. I know she missed Ollie a lot...back home. [Her voice softens and nearly breaks at the mention of 'home', but Lucy clears her throat, mentally cursing herself for her lack of strength there. When she speaks again, her voice doesn't falter]

We'll see tomorrow morning how much in shape you've stayed.

[Despite having previously wished for them to meet right away, Desmond's decision to do so takes Lucy a bit by surprise. It shouldn't have, really, since there's still no indications that the novice knows what happened to her. He shouldn't be hesitant to meet with her, and he doesn't seem to either. But now face with the reality of facing him, the blond is not sure she can. She's not sure she is going to be able to keep this mask on for long, this fake air of normalcy when everything has been thrown over in her life. She nods even though Desmond can't see it, her heart sinking even further as he mentions the need to talk to her.]

I....Give me half an hour and I'll be there. [She says nothing ( ... )


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action; assassininheels September 6 2011, 00:23:49 UTC
[When the door opens after what seems an eternity to Lucy, she can't help but tensed as she stands face to face with Desmond. She knows she should pull him into a hug, if only to be able to believe that she's really there over keeping the appearance for his sake, but the blond find herself frozen on the door step. when she manages to look up at him all she can see in the back of her mind are how scared and hurt and lost he had look just before the Hidden Blade had pierced her stomach. For the first time in her life, for the briefest moment, Lucy feels like bolting out. But the blond swallows and nods back at Desmond, finally moving as she walks in.]


[Nothing else seems to be able to leave her lips. No teasing, no remarks about his living quarters, about the month he spent here before she arrived. It had been easier on the PORTAL, to ignore everything that had went on before she made it to this place, but now, now her will is crumbling and Lucy feels like she's clawing herself out of a wormhole. Feeling like this a ( ... )


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action; assassininheels September 6 2011, 03:13:46 UTC
[For some reasons, Lucy feels a cold shiver run down her spine but she manages to nod.]

All right. I'm listening.

[It's easy to feel the tension in the room and the blond registers that this is probably the first time they feel uncomfortable with one another since they left Abstergo. At least for her. The guilt in Desmond's eyes worries her and she finds that air doesn't seem to flow that easily in her throat. Maybe if Lucy hasn't tried so hard to convince herself that the novice doesn't know about Juno's Temple, she would have picked up the hints that would have led her to anticipate the turn of the discussion.

The mention of the Colosseum and the Apple makes her wince unconsciously, one hand raising on its own to rest over the covered scar on her stomach]

Yes, of course I remember. Shaun was trying to figure out the symbols the Apple was projecting when you touched it and...

[...And then all she can remember is suddenly looking into his eyes and feeling the pain of her stab wound. Lucy looks down at her lap, frowning as ( ... )


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action; assassininheels September 7 2011, 02:46:39 UTC
[Desmond's angry outburst does nothing to help Lucy reign in her emotions and she glares up at him, wondering how he dares raise his voice when she's the one that lies in a pool of blood in their world. She has every rights to be angry with him and for the faintest moment, all she wants is to slap him. But their eyes meet and the blond realizes the heavy consequences of his angry words: he knows. The sudden realization even wipes out the fact that he's picked so easily on her lie. Her own anger dies and Lucy is left with an inquiring look] know? [She pauses, breathes because somehow she's afraid she's going to choke before she frowns] For how long? Since when have you have known? [Did Desmond hid this from her since the very beginning ( ... )


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