Veles 006 [text]

Aug 05, 2011 16:21

I have not entirely mastered any way of filtering this so many of you may feel free to skip this.  Also, I do not know those who would number among Lioriley's friends and I must speak with all of you via this means.  To those who do not know me but know her, I am Veles, her teacher and her guardian of sorts; a polite young troll named Nepeta gave a word that will be familiar to some of you I would hope, a word that best explains what I am to her - I am her lusus.

It is imperative that I speak with you all on a matter of her behaviour.  As you all know - or should know if you would call yourself her friends - she has suffered the loss of the young man she was very close with, both as a knight and as her boyfriend, to borrow the modern mortal term for it.

Lioriley and I go back many years and I feel it is fair to say that I know her well after what she has been through and she is prone to an odd behavioural coping mechanism when she is deeply upset.  That is to say that she projects a great deal of cheer, smiling constantly, saying she is happy, fluttering around and while she is happy, she will show absolutely no other emotion at this time to cover for the fact that inside, she is upset and hurting.  It is imperative that if you see her behaving in such a way that you contact me either through this or leave a message for me to come meet you on the beach (the only place I can rest comfortably in this damnable place without causing severe and widescale structural damage) so that we might speak in person.  I do not wish to hear that she is upset at all but I do wish to know so that there might be some way devised to make sure she will speak of it instead of 'bottling it up' 'til she is fit to burst.  She seems to have some ridiculous guilt complex bordering on martyrdom over talking of her problems or confiding that she is upset and I have witnessed this personally when she lost her first knight, a noble and honourable soul.

To her knights as well, those who remain, do not take your duty lightly.  I have come to be...fond of you all and I would expect that to be repaid by taking care of her when I cannot.

And Lioriley, my dear, I have looked to the future to see you telling me off for this so if you do, I will merely laugh at you as you puff out your cheeks, huff and stamp your little feet with your arms crossed. 

kurosaki ichigo: bleach, tavros nitram: homestuck, bowen de tisi: original character, equius zahhak: homestuck, *veles: original character, miyagi chiharu: original character, sora: kingdom hearts

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