First; Video; Day

Jun 03, 2011 18:17

 [The PORTAL shows a girl, eighteen, blonde-headed and cute in a black mask that gives her the impression of looking quite a lot like a black swan. In a lot of ways... She is. But all Swan Queen metaphors aside, she's sitting with her hands behind her, splayed out on the bed, kicking her legs back and forth. She's smirking, half-laughing as she addresses the ceiling.]

It’s me again. Would You listen to me now? Did You listen to me before? Those songs say You love all the little children, but I don’t remember the verse about the spawn of Satan, do You? Maybe they sung at all those other Sunday schools I never went to. Maybe Father Tomas could teach me- oops.

Is this Thy will, Lord? Imprisonment? I think I got a better deal than my Dad- he got fire and brimstone and I got something out of a cartoon. I get my own room and everything. [Laugh]

You’re not very talkative, are You? Is it just me? Or is everyone who swears You speak to them just full of crap? Hey, if Jesse’s up there? Will You kiss him for me? I have to hand it to him- as far as deaths go, that one was probably his best one yet. No wonder You gave him so many chances.

You won’t be able to keep me here. You can’t stop what’s coming- You would’ve already done it by now. Your warriors failed and I’m still standing. I won.

Do You hear that, God? I won.

*christina nickson: point pleasant, death: good omens, *lucifer: supernatural, *lucifer: god the devil and bob

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