001 | Day | Video

May 01, 2011 20:13

[The modern age has come to the city of dreams, and with it, that soulless blue and yellow beacon of American business. Yes, Prom, Loki is here and he's brought WAL*MART with him. Prepare to rollback prices and enter the happiest shiniest level of hell brought about by man.

Or rather, brought about by a trickster.]ATTENTION WAL*MART SHOPPERS. ( Read more... )

asylum: original character, *loki: norse mythology, rapunzel: tangled, effy stonem: skins, the doctor [eleventh]: doctor who, quetzalcoatl: aztec mythology, tony stark: iron man, fenrir: norse mythology

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[ video ] vanagandr May 2 2011, 01:42:32 UTC
Oh man-- Shut up, Dad.


Re: [ video ] tricksandvice May 2 2011, 01:49:40 UTC
Fensky, is that any way to talk to your father?


vanagandr May 2 2011, 02:39:19 UTC
Would you rather I said "bark bark growl woof"?


tricksandvice May 2 2011, 14:44:13 UTC
I was thinking more along the lines of "pant pant grrrr whine," but I'll deal, I suppose.

How are you son, since we both appear to magically have been unbound?


vanagandr May 2 2011, 21:06:29 UTC
Can't always get what you want, after all.

Well, considering the "magically unbound" thing, I'd say pretty good at the moment. You?


tricksandvice May 2 2011, 23:05:44 UTC
I believe I'm rebounding well from this change in circumstances. No venom-dripping serpents, for one, which is just a little improvement on things.


vanagandr May 3 2011, 00:40:09 UTC
Does your Wal*Mart have those little stickers? It's only an improvement if it has those stickers.


tricksandvice May 3 2011, 01:16:32 UTC
Of course we have the stickers. It's not Wal*Mart without them.

Why, you want one? I've got a whole roll, right here.


vanagandr May 3 2011, 03:40:13 UTC
Maybe later. Have you ever gotten stickers in your fur? It's a bitch.


tricksandvice May 3 2011, 13:08:01 UTC
I can't say I've ever had that particular problem.


vanagandr May 4 2011, 01:44:18 UTC
Not as bad as gum, but it's still bad.


tricksandvice May 4 2011, 03:11:00 UTC
[He lifts an eyebrow.] Does peanut butter work?


vanagandr May 4 2011, 03:36:44 UTC
It makes me smell like a sandwich.


tricksandvice May 4 2011, 11:37:22 UTC
I'm not telling you to add jam, Fensky.


vanagandr May 4 2011, 22:59:52 UTC
That doesn't mean I smell like any less of a sandwich.


tricksandvice May 5 2011, 23:20:15 UTC
Alternatively, you could smell like Thai peanut sauce.


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